University of Technology
Institute of Software Technology and Interactive
Information & Software Engineering Group
Music Information Retrieval
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The following is a list of research projects we participate(d) in: |
The MusicBricks
project (Jan 2015 - Jun 2016) exploits the creative and
commercial possibilities of music technologies by piloting
innovative musical tools with the new generation of SME
digital makers and content creators, and leverages the
state-of-the-art European research, by providing a
compendium of physical, virtual and programming
interfaces, thus allowing creative developers easy access
to the core building blocks of music.
MusicBricks provides a pathway for research to reach a
wider community of Creative SME innovators, thereby
contributing to cultural and economic output right across
the creative sector. Our aim is to transfer
state-of-the-art ICT to Creative SMEs in order to develop
novel business models.
TU Wien IFS MIR group provides a number of audio analysis
tools as MusicBricks tools for
use in creative applications. The project organizes a
number of events such as Music
Tech Fest and Music
Hack Day to facilitate interaction with these tools.
Project website: http://musictechfest.org/MusicBricks

was a Network of Excellence on Digital
Libraries partially funded by the European
Commission in the frame of the Information Society
Technologies (IST) Programme. It started on 1st January
2004 with a duration of 48 months and included 55 members.
The DELOS network wass conducting a joint program of
activities aimed at integrating and coordinating the
ongoing research activities of the major European teams
working in Digital Library related areas with the goal of
developing the next
generation Digital Library technologies. DELOS
also aimed at disseminating knowledge of digital library
technologies to many diverse application domains. Our
group at TU Vienna-IFS concentrated efforts on
Audio/Visual and Non-traditional Objects, Digital Library
Architecture, User Interfaces & Visualization, and
Digital Preservation.
Project website: http://www.delos.info (no
longer available)

is a Network of Excellence on Multimedia
through Semantics,
Computation and Learning, partially
funded by the European Commission in the 6h framework
programme from 2004 to 2008. The network aims at
establishing and fostering closer collaboration between
research groups in multimedia
datamining and machine
learning. It integrates the expertise of over 40
research groups working on image and video processing,
speech, audio and text analysis, statistics and machine
learning, in order to explore the full potential of
statistical learning and cross-modal interaction for the
(semi-)automatic generation of robust meta-data with high
semantic value for multimedia documents.
4 on Content Description for Audio, Speech and Text
is led by Andreas Rauber.
Project website: http://muscle.ercim.eu/

(Improving Music genre
classification Performance
by a novel Approach
Combining audio
and symbolic music descriptors using a Transcription
is a bilateral project, funded by the Austrian Academic
Exchange Service, between our group and the Pattern
Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Group (GRFIA) at the University of
Alicante, Spain. The main goal of the project
collaboration is to build a
new audio and music genre classification system joining audio features
with symbolic
descriptors by using a transcription system in order to
improve and outperform previous audio-only based
approaches. The outcome of the project will be a system
that reliably categorizes unlabeled pieces of music into a
user-definable set of genre categories. Moreover, this
joint approach can subsequently also be used to address
further problems such as artist identification, duplicate
finding or plagiarism detection.
top |
last edited 20.05.2015
by Thomas Lidy