Interactive Media Systems, TU Wien

Horst Eidenberger

Ao.Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr. — Position: Assoc. Professor


Office 1040 Wien, Favoritenstrasse 11 Room HG0401 Map
Office Hours by e-mail appointment
Phone +43-1-58801-18853
Fax +43-1-58801-18898


0600 From Blubbering to Poetry App Implement a smartglass application that converts a speech audio input stream into poetry by reading lip movements and converting them into proper TTS… H. Eidenberger Details
0599 Let's rock: Application of Vibrations in Virtual Reality Implement haptic sensations based on vibration patterns in existing virtual reality applications. Requires good knowledge of Unity or Unreal and… H. Eidenberger Details
0598 Construction of a Virtual Tasting Device Build a virtual taste device that imitates the approach taken in [1] - only for taste stimulation, not for virtual cocktails -, i.e. creation of… H. Eidenberger Details
0593 Distributed Multi-User Virtual Miniature Golf Application Develop an application for miniature golf playing with virtual reality. Includes a bit of hardware design (attaching a Vive handheld to a stick) and… H. Eidenberger Details
0592 TIS2 Ruby Redmine Programming Implement an improved API for the Redmine issue tracker and associated software development tools in the context of the TISS project. Redmine is… H. Eidenberger Details
0590 Audio Analysis Software for Raspberry Pi Develop content-based audio analysis components that are able to run on a Raspberry Pi processor. Potential topics include sound effects and the… H. Eidenberger Details
0579 VR Motion Sickness recognition based on Audio Analysis Implement an application that is able to recognize the physical sickness of a person in an VR environment by audio analysis. Statements such as "uh,… H. Eidenberger Details
0574 TIS2 Prototyping Develop prototypical solutions for selected topics of the TU Information Systems based on Java and/or Ruby. Requires interest in business programming. H. Eidenberger Details
0566 Base Dosimeter Develop a dosiemter (long-time noise recording) exclusively for the base frequencies. Should include proper recording hardware, if necessary, band… H. Eidenberger Details
0548 Reduction of Motion Sickness by Force Simulation and Olfactory Stimuli Investigate the effect of force simulation and the effect of refreshing olfactory stimuli on motion sickness in the Jumpcube environment. The… H. Eidenberger Details
0374 Homesick Sound App Develop a mobile app that exchange the sounds created by the city you live in with the sounds of your home city. Requires implementing a server for… H. Eidenberger Details

In Progress

0595 Simple Microservices for Image Processing Build a small collection of microservices to perform simple image processing tasks commonly required in modern web environments. H. Eidenberger, R. Fuchs Details
0589 TIS2 TU Wien Onboarding Develop a cockpit for new employees at TU Wien in administration and research. The cockpit should comprise functions for the creation of checklists,… H. Eidenberger Details
0588 Very Funny: Deep Learning of Humor from Gary Larson's Cartoons Build a deep learning application that is able to learn the humor of Gary Larson by analyzing the visual contents of the cartoons and the punchlines… H. Eidenberger Details
0580 Video Object Recognition based on Deep Learning Develop solutions for the recognition of defined visual objects in video data streams based on deep learning and a commercial video analysis cloud… H. Eidenberger Details
0570 Virtual Climbing Application Develop a Unity application for virtual climbing based on our rotating climbing wall Vreeclimber that includes (1) different levels of skills, (2)… H. Eidenberger Details
0473 Virtual Zipliner Implement a Virtual Zipliner with mountain content and cold air for the Virtual Jump Simulator. H. Eidenberger Details
0294 Gestalt-Aware Interest Point Detection Formulation of a theory and development of a prototype for the recognition and description of interest point systems as local visual media… H. Eidenberger Details


0594 Virtual Reality Table Tennis Application Develop a virtual reality application for table tennis sports based on the HTC Vive setup. Includes a bit of hardware design (basically, turning a… H. Eidenberger Details
0577 Virtual Rock Climbing Applications Develop parts and applications for our novel virtual rock climbing environment which includes a rotating wall of 3,6x3m with approx. 200 grips,… H. Eidenberger Details
0576 Vreeclimber: From Matlab to OpenCV Transfer existing code for hand and feet tracking from Matlab to OpenCV and integrate the library into our environment for virtual rock climbing.… H. Eidenberger Details
0575 Virtual Reality Avatar for Rock Climbing Develop an avatar for rock climbing in Unity. The avatar should be able to move its arms and legs, feet and all fingers. Requires basic knowledge in… H. Eidenberger Details
0565 A new styling for the TU information systems Develop from scratch a new user interface kit for the TU information systems. Requirements include (1) applicability for JavaEE with PrimeFaces (+… H. Eidenberger Details
0564 360° Stereo Content for the Virtual Jumpcube Explore our new Vuze 360° Stereo camera and record a 5min video journey for the Virtual Jumpcube project ( For example, construct a proper… H. Eidenberger Details
0553 Virtual Currency Analytics Bitcoin is the most prominent example of a virtual cryptocurrency. It is not issued by any government, bank, or organization but relies on… H. Eidenberger Details
0546 Vienna City Airrace Based on an existing Unreal project, implement a virtual reality airrace over and in the streets of the city of Vienna. Requires Requires solid VR… H. Eidenberger Details
0538 Reverse Engineering into Lists Develop a script that allows to perform reverse engineering from source code (Java, Ruby) and presents the results as lists (not, for example, UML).… H. Eidenberger Details
0528 Devil or Saint Smartphone App Develop an Android app that recognizes faces and allows users to do annotations on them: "like"/"don't like". Other people who use the app and scan… H. Eidenberger Details
0526 Virtual Vertical Gardening Develop a virtual reality application for vertical gardening based on our virtual tractor. Given a 3D model of a famous skyscraper it should be… H. Eidenberger Details
0525 TIS2 Extended Research Infrastructure Database Extend an existing prototype for the management of research infrastructures: Implement a service booking module, reporting functions and data… H. Eidenberger Details
0524 Webshop for the Jumpcube For the existing website of the virtual jumpcube project (; implemented in WordPress) implement a webshop that allows individuals and… H. Eidenberger Details
0520 TIS2 Evaluation of Rabbit MQ for Messaging between Java and Ruby Evaluate the library Rabbit MQ for the messaging and data exchange between Java and Ruby system parts. The essential question to be answered is… H. Eidenberger Details
0517 TIS2 Ruby on Rails to Java Migration Project Develop a workflow for the migration of Ruby on Rails projects to Java based on the prototypical migration of the TISS newsletter function. Requires… H. Eidenberger Details
0516 TIS2 Channeling Concept for Employees Develop a prototypical new landing page for TU employees in the environment of the TISS system that embeds a channeling systems which provides… H. Eidenberger Details
0514 Parachute Control for the TU Jumpcube For the TU Jumpcube ( develop a Unity module that allows to control the parachute in a VR skydiving app via the hand-held… H. Eidenberger Details
0511 Virtual Agriculture Game Develop virtual reality content for an agriculture game based on a virtualized tractor. For example, implement an application that allows for plowing… H. Eidenberger Details
0501 Jumpcube Interaction Metaphors Develop interaction metaphors for the interaction of the audience with the jumper/flyer in our Jumpcube VR application. The possibility to… H. Eidenberger Details
0498 Virtual Reality Avatars for the TU Jumpcube Based on an existing IR tracking system and the Oculus Rift DK2 HMD develop (or collect from the Internet) avatars for different projects, genders… H. Eidenberger Details
0490 TIS2 Dokumenten-Management-System Im Rahmen des TIS2-Projekts Entwicklung einer Lösung für multimediales Dokumenten-Management, die (1) in die bestehende Systemlandschaft integrierbar… H. Eidenberger Details
0487 TIS2 REST API und Abfragesystem Im Rahmen des TIS2-Projekts Entwicklung eines REST APIs über den vorhandenen, nicht geschützten Datenbestand sowie eines Moduls zum schnellen… H. Eidenberger Details
0486 TIS2 Semantische Suche im Datenbestand Entwicklung eines Moduls im Rahmen des TIS2-Projekts zur Semantischen Suche über den gesamten, nicht geschützten Datenbestand auf der Basis von Java,… H. Eidenberger Details
0482 TIS2 Verwaltung von Studierenden-Daten Entwicklung eines Moduls im Rahmen des TIS2-Projekts zur Verwaltung von Studierendendaten ("Studierendenakt") auf der Basis von Java, Java Server… H. Eidenberger Details
0476 Air Race in the Virtual Jump Simulator Develop an air race game in Unity for the Virtual Jump Simulator. Like superman, the player should be able to follow/compete with a plane in racing… H. Eidenberger Details
0471 Media Production for Virtual Jump Simulator Improve the media presentation of the virtual jump cube: Cut existing testimonials of jumpers (before and after) into a proper video for youtube… H. Eidenberger Details
0460 Generation of Realistic Landscapes Develop a system for the creation of realistic landscapes seen from above - including hills, mountains, houses, lakes, rivers, etc. Should be based… H. Eidenberger Details
0457 Project Triton: Develop a Unity Deep Space Diving VR Application Based on an existing Unity application, develop controls and content for a VR application that allows a person to travel through the sea: from the… H. Eidenberger Details
0456 Mission TU Mars: A Unity Solar System Flight Application Based on an existing Unity application, develop controls and content for a VR application that allows a person to travel through our solar system:… H. Eidenberger Details
0446 Semi-Automatic Keyframe-Based Video Summarization Application Combine the projects, and in… H. Eidenberger Details
0444 Video-Produktion und Crowdfunding für den Virtual Jump Simulator Führen Sie auf Startnext eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne für das Projekt "TU Fly Into the Future" durch, wobei der Fokus auf dem effektiven Einsatz selbst… H. Eidenberger Details
0440 Vienna Academic Value for Money Ranking Develop an information retrieval component that feeds a web portal with the latest academic rankings + web data about the student fees of the ranked… H. Eidenberger Details
0437 Video Production: Making of Virtual Jump Simulator Produce a 10min. high quality video on the making of the Virtual Jump Simulator, an ongoing IMS project. Involves recording of footage, cutting and… H. Eidenberger Details
0434 The Android Party Develop a prototype for a mobile app that allows communities to implement voting processes. Users should be able to sign up, post motions and to vote… H. Eidenberger Details
0433 Sensible Video Shredder Develop a video deleter that scans the contents beforehand and extracts images that are of potential forensic interest. At least, the shredder should… H. Eidenberger Details
0426 Raspberry Pi FM Radio Enhance an FM radio device with a Raspberry Pi processor and a button that allows to exchange the broadcast music (or the speech part) by the… H. Eidenberger Details
0421 Duograph Selfie Based on the idea of the DUOGRAPH mobile app (Florian Güldenpfennig) develop an app that computes a selfie photo of (at least) two people by using… H. Eidenberger Details
0414 Features of Business Success Identify the features that underlay business success. More specifically, develop an information retrieval solution that is able to predict the stock… H. Eidenberger Details
0412 Vortragsfinger 2: Free Sketching over Windows Extend an existing system for finger tracking for virtual painting over a beamer during presentations (use case: Drawing of Sketches in meetings of… H. Eidenberger Details
0411 Technical Museum Guide App Develop an environment that allows the rapid generation of a guide for the showcases at the Technical Museum. Requires the design of a solution for… H. Eidenberger Details
0405 Fat Face App Develop a mobile app that records face photos, recognizes the face geometry, judges the fatness of the face and monitors the face fatness over time.… H. Eidenberger Details
0403 Pay by Workout App Develop a mobile application (ideally, OS-independent) that is able to record and verify certain forms of body movement (in particular, walking,… H. Eidenberger Details
0402 Little Sister Confuses Big Brother Develop an artificial intelligence application that reads person-related information from social sites such as Facebook and search engines such as… H. Eidenberger Details
0399 Medienprogrammierung unter Firefox OS Portierung einer existierenden Anleitung zur Medienprogrammierung für Media Understanding (Android, Symbian) für die Firefox-OS-Plattform. H. Eidenberger Details
0396 3D Content for Virtual Jump Simulator Develop high-quality 3D content for a VR application that simulates a parachute jump. Elements include 3D models of the approximating ground, the… H. Eidenberger, H. Kaufmann Details
0394 TripleA TestProject Develop a test project and howto's for a TripleA game to be used in the lecture Strategy Game Programming from WT 2014 on. H. Eidenberger Details
0392 Virtual Jump Simulator Develop a VR application that allows a user to do a virtual parachute jump inhouse. Requires the student to develop (1) a hardware setup for the… H. Eidenberger Details
0391 E-book-based interactive language learning system Develop a tablet app that is able to display e-books (to be loaded, e.g. from epub files) and enhance them with grammar information, dictionary… H. Eidenberger Details
0388 Volltextsuche für die parlamentarische Mediendokumentation Die Mediendokumentation des österreichischen Parlamentes sammelt unter anderem Kommentare von und Interviews mit gesellschaftlich relevanten… H. Eidenberger Details
0384 Noise O Meter on the iPhone Investigate if an existing Android application can be migrated to iOS. If yes, perform the migration. Major challenge is the implementation of a… H. Eidenberger Details
0383 Noise Map Develop an add-on for an existing Android app that collects noise data (sound pressure levels, GPS data, time codes) in a database and visualizes… H. Eidenberger Details
0379 Hyper Hyper Link Develop a Windows mouse pointer that extracts the text under the cursor in a ROI, performs OCR on the text window and executes a Google search on the… H. Eidenberger Details
0378 Real-Time Story Illustrator Develop a desktop app that renders a written text as follows: (1) TTS by an existing component, (2) Illustration based on the semantics in the text… H. Eidenberger Details
0377 What does it mean? Clickless Smartphone Text Translator and Enricher Develop an Android app that does the following: Records an image with the camera, sends it to a server where it is OCR-read, translated to a… H. Eidenberger Details
0376 The Gesicht Gedicht Implement an Android app that selects a short poem based on the similarity of its meter to the proportions of a face recorded with the camera. Has… H. Eidenberger Details
0375 Texture Poems App Create a mobile app that converts regular textures into poems. To be done in the sense of this project:… H. Eidenberger Details
0372 Automatic Tourist Guide Develop a mobile application that presents (through TTS) location-based excerpts from Wikipedia pages and other text sources. The app should have… H. Eidenberger Details
0368 GPS Child Finder Develop an Android application that shows the location of your child on a map. The app is intended for local use (e.g. max range of 50 meters) and… H. Eidenberger Details
0363 Advanced Android Drawing Teacher App Develop an Android app that teaches the user how to draw. Should be based on an existing Python prototype. Hence, the major challenge is the transfer… H. Eidenberger Details
0349 AI Gamer for Strategic Simulation Develop an AI gamer for a turn-based strategy game with different types of units (e.g. like the warring part of Civilization or like Panzer Corps)… H. Eidenberger Details
0348 TTS Smartphone Agent Develop a smartphone app (Android preferred) that acts as an agent for the user and answers calls by predefined messages made audible by a TTS… H. Eidenberger Details
0344 Keyframe-Based Video Summarization Designer Develop a desktop application that allows for designing a one-picture video summary from keyframes by drag and drop arrangement in tiles. Requires… H. Eidenberger Details
0343 Generic Classification App Develop a mobile application (Android) that records images, allows to enter user scribbles for object selection, sends the image to some server for… H. Eidenberger Details
0337 Mobile Witness App Develop an Android app that provides the functionality of an electronic witness. That is: 1-click activation of audiovisual recording with minimal… H. Eidenberger Details
0336 Ebook-Narrator for the Mobile Phone Develop as a mobile application a narrator for large texts given. Ideally, the software should provide an index of books available in the app (e.g.… H. Eidenberger Details
0333 Advanced Video Summarization in One Image Extend the existing prototype (Manuel Martos) by state-of-the-art algorithm for. See below for details. H. Eidenberger Details
0332 Stilometrie: Plagiate am Schreibstil erkennen Es soll ein Prototyp entwickelt werden, welcher es ermöglicht, markante Stiländerungen innerhalb eines Textes zu erkennen und hervorzuheben. Es… H. Eidenberger Details
0331 perfOMR - A System for Optical Music Recognition and Audio Synthesis This thesis addresses Optical Music Recognition (OMR), a way to convert music notation into a digital representation, and its acoustic rendition. On… H. Eidenberger Details
0330 Snowhite Stepmother's Mirror Develop an application (ideally, based on HTML5 or mobile) that captures faces (e.g. from the webcam), shows them in a GUI with a nice mirror frame… H. Eidenberger Details
0323 e-Wuzzler Für einen Tischfussballautomat (Wuzzler) soll eine halbelektronische Spielererkennung und Torstandanzeige implementiert werden. Die verwendeten… H. Eidenberger, Roman Ganhoer Details
0322 Simple Tablet Communication Für ein Android-Tablet soll ein sehr einfach zu bedienender SMS Sender/Empfänger implementiert werden. Die Zielgruppe sind technikferne Menschen, die… H. Eidenberger, Roman Ganhoer Details
0321 Mobile Browser Interaction Hyperlinks auf Webseiten, dargestellt auf einem Smartphone, sind oft sehr klein und "schwer zu treffen". Im Rahmen des Praktikums "From Design to… H. Eidenberger, Roman Ganhoer Details
0320 Smartphone Media Organizer Moderne Mobiltelefone sind durchwegs mit einer Foto- und Videokamera ausgestattet, die auch intensiv genutzt wird. Für die Bearbeitung von Bildern… H. Eidenberger, Roman Ganhoer Details
0313 Learn Drawing like the Machine from the Machine Develop a desktop application that is able to load an image, convert it to a line drawing and apply it as background of a drawing canvas. Then, the… H. Eidenberger Details
0308 Wie klingt die Stadt? Interaktive Sonifikation von zeit- und raumbezogenen Daten: Entwickeln Sie einen Prototypen, der ein Overlay einer Landkarte (z.B. Stadtgebiet von… H. Eidenberger Details
0307 DJ Fourier: Scratchen im Spektrum Entwickeln Sie eine Multitouch-Applikation, die es erlaubt, mittels Gesten Bereiche in einem Fourier-Spektrum anzuregen, die dann in Töne umgewandelt… H. Eidenberger Details
0305 Das Intelligente Fahrrad Im Rahmen einer bestehenden Fahrzeugentwicklung soll für den smarten Stadtverkehr der Zukunft sollen mittels modernster Sensor- und… H. Eidenberger, Wolfgang Spreicer Details
0303 Machine Learning With Dual Process Models Implementierung eines Klassifikators, der Ähnlichkeit nach dem Vorbild des Menschen misst: Verwendung eines Dual Process Models, das mithilfe eines… H. Eidenberger Details
0302 How good is your Video Surveillance? Entwicklung eines Webservices zur Prüfung der Eignung von CCTV-Kamerakonfigurationen für videobasierte biometrische Analysen. Erfordert zeitliche… H. Eidenberger Details
0301 Inhalts-basierte Suchmaschine für Parlamentssitzungen Entwicklung einer inhalts-basierten Suchmaschine für die Videos von Parlamentssitzungen. Erkennung von Gesichtern und Sprache. Indexierung von… H. Eidenberger Details
0293 Ebook Manufacturing Pipeline Develop a pipeline (=software + organization process) for the manufacturing of Ebooks (e.g. MOBI-Format) from paper books. The paper source might be… H. Eidenberger Details
0289 Speech Quality of Members of Parliament Analyse the quality of speeches of members of parliament in Austria. This topic requires 1. to retrieve the transcripts of speeches from the server… H. Eidenberger Details
0288 Web Portal for Political Memory Statements of politicians - though relevant - are often forgotten on the next day. This web portal should help to organize and memorize important… H. Eidenberger Details
0287 Advanced Writing Application Develop a writing application that supports the user in the writing app. For example, the interactive process should start with selecting an… H. Eidenberger Details
0286 Easy to Use Spreadsheet Application Develop a meta-spreadsheet that allows for simply summing up input data, recombination of individual calculations, the definition and usage of… H. Eidenberger Details
0285 Editor and Interpreter for Interactive Games for Children Develop an aditor and interpreter for interactive learn games for children. The application area includes word games, color games, sound games and… H. Eidenberger Details
0284 NFC Android Einkaufs-Applikation Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts ( soll eine Android App unter Einbindung von NFC-Technologie entwickelt werden, die… Wolfgang Spreicer, H. Eidenberger Details
0276 Multimedia Tour Editor Develop a semi-automatic editor that allows to assemble multimedia tours through foreign cities based on content from Wikipedia, Google Earth, music… H. Eidenberger Details
0265 Biometric Analysis of the FERET Face Database Perform a biometric face analysis on the FERET database. Define a representative sample of individuals and measure the salient facial features such… H. Eidenberger Details
0264 Editor for Poems Develop an text editor for poems that visualizes the meter of the syllables, suggests rhymes, allows to create and use rhyme patterns (e.g. a-b-a-b),… H. Eidenberger Details
0216 Brain-Computer-Demo Implementation of a demo for our brain computer interface (EEG, ECG, etc.) that allows to do P300 recognition for sets of cards (e.g. face images).… H. Eidenberger Details
0241 LoveTrail Web Application Implementation of a web application that provides a map based on OpenStreetMap, allows to annotate points with textual descriptions of important… H. Eidenberger Details
0222 Pylometrie: Plagiate am Schreibstil erkennen Klassifikation von Textsegmenten anhand ihres Schreibstils (Satzlänge, Satzbau, Verwendung von Beifügungen, häufige Wörter etc.) und Beurteilung, ob… H. Eidenberger Details
0225 Medienprogrammierung am iPhone Portierung einer existierenden Anleitung zur Medienprogrammierung für Media Understanding (Android, Symbian) für die iPhone-Plattform. H. Eidenberger Details
0238 Video Summarization in Object Maps Summarization of video content by the extraction of the main objects (e.g. large faces, cars, etc.) and their organization in an object map similar… H. Eidenberger Details
0242 Programmiertes Theater Implementierung einer Flash-Applikation, die einen vorgegebenen XML-Text in ein 2D-Kasperltheater umsetzt. Dazu soll es möglich sein, 2D-Charaktere… H. Eidenberger Details
0244 Researcher Exchange Portal Development of a web portal for researcher exchange that provides similarity-based search. Researchers should be represented by a subject, field of… H. Eidenberger Details
0247 API für Videoencoder/Videodecoder Für eine Videoschnittsoftware wird ein Videodatenstrom in seine Einzelbilder zerlegt und ausgewählte Einzelbilder zu einem neuen Videodatenstrom… H. Eidenberger, Roman Ganhoer (E187) Details
0240 Teletext on Android Implementation of an application that grabs the teletext pages from the ORF website, does OCR recognition, stores the text with a timestamp in a… H. Eidenberger Details
0234 Scanner für Photoalben Erstellung einer Software, die Photoalben seitenweise scannt, Bilder extrahiert, mithilfe von Vision-Verfahren verbessert und speichert. H. Eidenberger Details
0246 Genre-Based MIDI-Composer Develop an approach for the derivation of a ground truth for music genre classification from MIDI data. What are the common MIDI properties of pop… H. Eidenberger Details
0243 Halbautomatischer Untertitler Implementierung eines interaktiven Werkzeugs zur Untertitelung von Filmen. Gewünschter Funktionsumfang: Shotsegmentierung, Sprechererkennung,… H. Eidenberger Details
0236 Analyse von Content-basierte Analyse von Video-Mixen, die im Spiel zusammengestellt wurden. Es soll festgestellt werden, ob/wie sich die Clips, die… H. Eidenberger Details
0237 Pattern-Based MIDI Composing Automated composing based on pattern recognition in MIDI-Files. Exisiting themes should be recognized, varied and composed in order to create a new… H. Eidenberger Details
0187 Schachspielen mit Ähnlichkeit Implementierung eines Schachprogramms, das mittels eines Genetischen Algorithmus' lernt, der Stellungen nach Ähnlichkeit zu bekannten Partien… H. Eidenberger Details
0210 Mein Ö-Eins Entwicklung einer Software, die aus dem Audio-Datenstrom des Radionsenders Ö1 alle Musikbeiträge herausfiltert und durch ein Genre nach Wahl des… H. Eidenberger Details
0211 Muppets Selektiv: Pigs in Space Ziel ist die Entwicklung einer Video-Analyse-Software, der es gelingt, aus allen Episoden der Serie "Muppets Show" die Beiträge "Pigs in Space" sowie… H. Eidenberger Details
0226 Medienprogrammierung mit Windows Phone Portierung einer existierenden Anleitung zur Medienprogrammierung für Media Understanding (Android, Symbian) auf die Windows-Phone-Plattform. H. Eidenberger Details
0227 Face Interest Point System Development of a system that can capture facial expressions (recorded by a webcam under changing lightning conditions) with as few markers as… H. Eidenberger Details
0239 Latex to Mobi Formula Converter Develop a best-effort algorithm for the conversion of formulas set in Latex to Mobi (i.e. HTML 4). Currently, formulas are the biggest hurdle for the… H. Eidenberger Details