Horst Eidenberger
Ao.Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr. — Position: Assoc. Professor
horst.eidenberger@tuwien.ac.at | |
Website | www.ims.tuwien.ac.at/hme |
Office | 1040 Wien, Favoritenstrasse 11 • Room HG0401 • Map |
Office Hours | by e-mail appointment |
Phone | +43-1-58801-18853 |
Fax | +43-1-58801-18898 |
Handwritten Music Object Detection: Open Issues and Baseline Results Optical Music Recognition (OMR) is the challenge of understanding the content of musical scores. Accurate detection of individual music objects is a… | A. Pacha, K. Choi, B. Coüasnon, Y. Ricquebourg, H. Eidenberger | Details |
The Gestalt Interest Points Distance Feature for Compact and Accurate Image Description In this work, we present the novel Inter-GIP Distances (IGD) feature and its integration into the Gestalt Interest Points (GIP) image descriptor.… | M. Hörhan, H. Eidenberger | Details |
Towards Self-Learning Optical Music Recognition Optical Music Recognition (OMR) is a branch of artificial intelligence that aims at automatically recognizing and understanding the content of music… | A. Pacha, H. Eidenberger | Details |
Towards a Universal Music Symbol Classifier Optical Music Recognition (OMR) aims to recognize and understand written music scores. With the help of Deep Learning, researchers were able to… | A. Pacha, H. Eidenberger | Details |
An Efficient DCT template-based Object Detection Method using Phase Correlation In this work, we propose an efficient algorithm, which utilizes the combination of discrete cosine transform (DCT) and phase correlation (PC) for… | H. Eidenberger, M. Hörhan | Details |
Machine Learning with Dual Process Models Similarity measurement processes are a core part of most machine learning algorithms. Traditional approaches focus on either taxonomic or thematic… | H. Eidenberger, B. Klauninger, M. Unger | Details |
Similarity Assessment as a Dual Process Model of Counting and Measuring Based on recent findings from the field of human similarity perception, we propose a dual process model (DPM) of taxonomic and thematic similarity… | H. Eidenberger, B. Klauninger | Details |
Sicherer Fallschirmsprung im Virtual Jump Simulator Fallschirmspringen bei jedem Wetter, beliebig oft, mit Netz, doppeltem Boden und Adrenalinkick? Das ermöglicht der Virtual Jump Simulator der… | H. Eidenberger, A. Mossel | Details |
Indoor Skydiving in Immersive Virtual Reality with Embedded Storytelling We describe the Virtual Jump Simulator, which allows subjects to perform an indoor parachute jump in a virtual environment. The necessity to jump… | H. Eidenberger, A. Mossel | Details |
Gestalt Interest Points for Image Description in Weight-Invariant Face Recognition In this work, we propose two improvements of the Gestalt Interest Points (GIP) algorithm for the recognition of faces of people that have underwent… | M. Hörhan, H. Eidenberger | Details |
Software ohne Gewähr Wer glaubt, dass der Markt allein den Preis einer Software bestimmt, der negiert wesentliche Aspekte des Rechtsgeschäfts… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Categorization and Machine Learning: The Modeling of Human Understanding in Computers Machine learning is the attempt to imitate human categorization of perceived reality in computers. It is driven by the desire to provide machines… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Kontrollflusstransformation von BPMN zu Asbru BPMN is a well known and understandable, graphical process description language for business processes and is supported by a variety of modelling… | T. Tschach | Details |
Visualizing and interactive modelling of process hierarchies This study deals with the visualization and modeling of protocol-based treatment plans that are composed from hierarchically structured… | H. Hirsch | Details |
Content-based video summarization to Object Maps The amount of digital video content available in the web is constantly increasing. Its handling requires efficient technologies: text search on large… | M. Martos | Details |
Pattern-Based MIDI Composing This master thesis deals with different approaches for algorithmic composing. Such techniques are merged with methods of pattern recognition. The aim… | J. Fellner | Details |
Videosegmentierung durch Analyse audiovisueller Merkmale Due to the increasing amount of digital videos the segmentation and classification of videos is manually no longer feasible. Hence there is a need… | C. Fuchs | Details |
BCI-Based Cursor Control Using EEG Sensorimotor Rhythms Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are human-computer interaction systems in which users communicate with a computer via a direct neural interface.… | S. Böhm | Details |
New Content-Based Features for the Distinction of Violent Videos and Martial Arts Real violence is unwanted content in video portals as it is forensically relevant in video surveillance systems. Naturally, both domains have to deal… | M. Hörhan, H. Eidenberger | Details |
Qualität nach Maß Vertraglich festgelegte Preise können durch das Gewährleistungsrecht in Frage gestellt werden. In der Auftrags-Softwareentwicklung ist ein… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Emotionsbasierte Videoverfremdung This master thesis is about obfuscation of persons shown in a video. The obfuscation process is based on an automatic evaluation of emotional speech.… | C. Fischl | Details |
System zum Vergleich von Interest-Point-Detektoren In this work an overview of the most important methods for interest-point-detection is provided. Common concepts are explained in detail.… | P. Eisele | Details |
Intelligent Video Annotation and Retrieval Techniques Videos are an integral part of current information technologies and the web. The demand for efficient retrieval rises with the increasing number of… | R. Sorschag | Details |
Handbook of Multimedia Information Retrieval Multimedia information retrieval: That is the desire to make computers see, hear and understand like humans do. Is it possible to give perception to… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Frontiers of Media Understanding Media understanding is the science/art of identifying semantic structures in digital media objects such as audio, biosignals, images, text and… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Professional Media Understanding Media understanding is the science/art of identifying semantic structures in digital media objects such as audio, biosignals, images, text and… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Fundamental Media Understanding Media understanding is the science/art of identifying semantic structures in digital media objects such as audio, biosignals, images, text and… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
On Feature Selection in Environmental Sound Recognition Given a broad set of content-based audio features, we employ principal component analysis for the composition of an optimal feature set for… | D. Mitrovic, M. Zeppelzauer, H. Eidenberger | Details |
Light theatre http://www.heise.de | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Pipelines: IPTV, MPEG-21, IMS http://www.heise.de | H. Eidenberger | Details |
JeeCam Communication Server http://www.heise.de | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Curious computers http://www.heise.de | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Java Media Framework http://www.heise.de | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Evaluation of content-based Features for User-Centred Image Retrieval in Small Media Collections H. Eidenberger, M. Zaharieva: "Evaluation of content-based Features for User-Centred Image Retrieval in Small Media Collections"; Talk: SPIE IS&T… | H. Eidenberger, M. Zaharieva | Details |
Wiki-Engines im Review http://www.heise.de | D. Carl, H. Eidenberger, M. Ludewig, S. Mintert, C. Schulz, B. Spanneberg, G. Völkl, R. Heyden | Details |
Multimedia-Bibliotheken http://www.heise.de | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Review von Wiki-Engines H. Eidenberger et al.: "Review von Wiki-Engines"; iX - Magazin für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 12 (2008), 50 - 60. | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Frameworks für Medienverarbeitung H. Eidenberger: "Frameworks für Medienverarbeitung"; iX - Magazin für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 12 (2008), 122 - 125. | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Werkzeuge für Medien-Streaming H. Eidenberger: "Werkzeuge für Medien-Streaming"; iX - Magazin für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 11 (2008), 135. | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Strömungslehre H. Eidenberger: "Strömungslehre"; iX - Magazin für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 11 (2008), 114 - 116. | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Towards Integrated Authoring, Annotation, Retrieval, Adaptation, Personalization and Delivery of Multimedia Content We describe the CoCoMA task of the DELOS II European Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries. CoCoMA aims at the unification of the most important… | H. Eidenberger, S. Boll, S. Christodoulakis, D. Divotkey, K. Leopold, A. Martin, A. Perego, A. Scherp, C. Tsinaraki | Details |
Im Medienzeitäther - Aktuelle Trends in der Multimedia-Forschung H. Eidenberger: "Im Medienzeitäther - Aktuelle Trends in der Multimedia-Forschung"; iX - Magazin für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 11 (2007),… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Semantics in Content-based Multimedia Retrieval H. Eidenberger, M. Zaharieva: "Semantics in Content-based Multimedia Retrieval"; in: "Multimedia Semantics - The Role of Metadata", Springer, 2007,… | H. Eidenberger, M. Zaharieva | Details |
Evaluation of content-based image descriptors by statistical methods Evaluation of visual information retrieval systems is usually performed by executing test queries and computing recall- and precision-like measures… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Handy sapiens H. Eidenberger: "Handy sapiens"; iX, 2 (2007), 95 - 99. | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Kalman Filtering for Pose-invariant Face Recognition We propose a novel algorithm for the identification of faces from image samples. The algorithm uses the Kalman filter to identify significant facial… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Kalman Filtering for Robust Identification of Face Images with Varying Expressions and Lighting Conditions We propose a novel algorithm for the identification of faces from image samples. The algorithm uses the Kalman filter to identify significant face… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Analysis of the Data Quality of Audio Descriptions of Environmental Sounds In this paper we perform statistical data analysis of a broad set of state-of-the-art audio features and low-level MPEG-7 audio descriptors. The… | D. Mitrovic, M. Zeppelzauer, H. Eidenberger | Details |
Kalman Filtering for Illumination-invariant Face Recognition We propose a novel algorithm for the identification of faces from image samples. The algorithm uses the Kalman filter to identify significant facial… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Quaero (me) ante portas H. Eidenberger: "Quaero (me) ante portas"; iX, 11 (2006), 118 - 122. | H. Eidenberger | Details |
The 7th European Research Framework H. Eidenberger: "The 7th European Research Framework"; iX, 9 (2006), 114 - 117. | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Evaluation and Analysis of Similarity Measures for Content-based Visual Information Retrieval The selection of appropriate proximity measures is one of the crucial success factors of content-based visual information retrieval. In this area of… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Content-based Querying Embedded in Multimedia Presentations This paper presents a solution for integrating content-based multimedia retrieval with semantics-based content selection techniques, content… | D. Divotkey, H. Eidenberger | Details |
CoCoMA: Content and Context Aware Multimedia Content Retrieval, Delivery and C. Breiteneder, H. Eidenberger: "CoCoMA: Content and Context Aware Multimedia Content Retrieval, Delivery and"; Poster: ECDL 2005, Vienna; 09-04-2005. | C. Breiteneder, H. Eidenberger | Details |
Gigabit Ethernet-based Parallel Video Processing This paper describes solutions for parallel video processing based on LAN-connected PC-like workstations. We outline application scenarios for the… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Programmieren in Perl Einführung in die Welt der Computer-Programmierung und die Programmiersprache Perl | H. Eidenberger, E. Michlmayr | Details |
Web automatization with Mechanize H. Eidenberger, E. Michlmayr: "Web automatization with Mechanize"; iX, 7 (2005), 142 - 145. | H. Eidenberger, E. Michlmayr | Details |
A Java-Based Media Server The distribution of multimedia content has become a prospective sector of the Internet business. Multimedia content is transmitted by media streaming… | H. Psaier | Details |
Artificial Intelligence and Query Execution Methods in the VizIR Framework The article introduces the architecture of the querying components of the visual information retrieval framework VizIR. A major design goal was to… | D. Divotkey, H. Eidenberger, R. Divotkey | Details |
Visual Information Retrieval Grundlagen des Visual Information Retrieval | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Perl. Einführung in die Programmierung und Problemlösen H. Eidenberger, E. Michlmayr: "Perl. Einführung in die Programmierung und Problemlösen"; dpunkt.verlag, 2005, ISBN: 3-89864-320-4; 272 pages. | H. Eidenberger, E. Michlmayr | Details |
What are the potentials of the metadata standard MPEG-7? H. Eidenberger: "What are the potentials of the metadata standard MPEG-7?"; Talk: SNML 2004 Workshop, Salzburg; 12-04-2004; in: "Proceedings SNML… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Parallel Visual Information Retrieval in VizIR This paper describes how parallel retrieval is implemented in the content-based visual information retrieval framework VizIR. Generally, two major… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Visual Data Mining This paper introduces a novel paradigm for integrated retrieval and browsing in content-based visual information retrieval systems. The proposed… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Modelling of Visual Feature Derivation in the VizIR Framework If visual information retrieval should make further progress, it will be necessary to identify new ways to derive visual properties from higher… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
A Data Management Layer for Visual Information Retrieval This case study describes the data management layer of the VizIR visual information retrieval project. VizIR is an open source framework of software… | H. Eidenberger, R. Divotkey | Details |
A new method for visual descriptor evaluation H. Eidenberger: "A new method for visual descriptor evaluation"; Talk: SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, San Jose, USA; 01-26-2004. | H. Eidenberger | Details |
A new perspective on visual information retrieval H. Eidenberger: "A new perspective on visual information retrieval"; Talk: SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, San Jose, USA; 01-26-2004. | H. Eidenberger | Details |
SMIL and SVG in teaching H. Eidenberger: "SMIL and SVG in teaching"; Talk: SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, San Jose, USA; 01-25-2004. | H. Eidenberger | Details |
A Video Browsing Application based on visual MPEG-7 Descriptors and Self-Organising Maps The paper introduces a novel approach for interactive video browsing that makes video content fully transparent to the user. Video clips are analysed… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Statistical analysis of MPEG-7 image descriptions The study presented in this paper analyses the visual MPEG-7 descriptors from a statistical point of view. A statistical analysis is able to reveal… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
OpenML - Media from the belt This article describes OpenML - a C-based middleware for video and audio processing. | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Media handling for visual information retrieval in VizIR H. Eidenberger: "Media handling for visual information retrieval in VizIR"; Talk: SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference, Lugano,… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
How good are the visual MPEG-7 features? H. Eidenberger: "How good are the visual MPEG-7 features?"; Talk: SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference, Lugano, Switzerland;… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Visual Similarity Measurement with the Feature Contrast Model H. Eidenberger: "Visual Similarity Measurement with the Feature Contrast Model"; Talk: SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, Santa Clara, USA;… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
A new perspective on visual information retrieval Visual information retrieval (VIR) is a research area with more than 300 scientific publications every year. Technological progress lets surveys… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
A new method for visual descriptor evaluation Evaluation in visual information retrieval is usually performed by executing test queries and calculating recall and precision based on predefined… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
SMIL and SVG in Teaching This paper describes how the web standards Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) are used in… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
VizIR - A Framework for Visual Information Retrieval In this paper the visual information retrieval project VizIR is presented. The goal of the project is the implementation of an open visual… | H. Eidenberger, C. Breiteneder | Details |
Distance measures for MPEG-7-based retrieval In visual information retrieval the careful choice of suitable proximity measures is a crucial success factor. The evaluation presented in this paper… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Multimedia 200x - Trends and perspectives H. Eidenberger, S. Boll: "Multimedia 200x - Trends and perspectives"; iX, 09 (2003), 85 - 90. | H. Eidenberger, S. Boll | Details |
Medienverarbeitung in Java H. Eidenberger, R. Divotkey: "Medienverarbeitung in Java"; dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg, 2003, ISBN: 3-89864-184-8; 272 pages. | H. Eidenberger, R. Divotkey | Details |
The MPEG-7 standard for multimedia content description An introduction to the MPEG-7 standard for the description of audiovisual content. | H. Eidenberger | Details |
SUNs free Java framework for media data Introduction to the Java Media Framewor (JMF). JMF is an os-independent extension to the Java SDK that allows processing (capturing, kompression,… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Media handling for visual information retrieval in VizIR This paper describes how the handling of visual media objects is implemented in the visual information retrieval project VizIR. Essentially, four… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
How good are the visual MPEG-7 features? The study presented in this paper analyses descriptions extracted with MPEG-7-descriptors from visual content from the statistical point of view.… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Visual Similarity Measurement with the Feature Contrast Model The focus of this paper is on similarity modeling. In the first part we revisit underlying concepts of similarity modeling and sketch the currently… | H. Eidenberger, C. Breiteneder | Details |
SMIL 2.0: Markup Language for Multimedia Presentations The article describes version 2.0 of the XML-based multimedia authoring language SMIL (stands for Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language). It… | H. Eidenberger, S. Boll | Details |
A Framework for User Interface Design in Visual Information Retrieval This paper describes the user interface framework of the VizIR project. VizIR is an open project to develop a Java-based, extendible and… | H. Eidenberger, C. Breiteneder | Details |
An Experimental Study on the Performance of Visual Information Retrieval Similarity Models This paper is an experimental study on the performance of the two major methods for macro-level similarity measurement: linear weighted merging and… | H. Eidenberger, C. Breiteneder | Details |
Semantic Feature Layers in Content-based Image Retrieval: Implementation of Human World Features The major problem of most CBIR approaches is bad quality in terms of recall and precision. As a major reason for this, the semantic gap between… | H. Eidenberger, C. Breiteneder | Details |
VizlerControl: A Module-based Environment for Device Control based on Image Analysis The VizlerControl project aims at the development of a standardized, module-based environment for hardware device control. The term Vizler stands for… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
JEmblazoner: Construction of Coats of Arms Images from Textual Descriptions This paper describes the free software component JEmblazoner. JEmblazoner is a Java-based user interface for Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR) in… | C. Breiteneder, H. Eidenberger, M. Wasinger | Details |
Lookmark: A 2.5D Web Information Visualization System Lookmarks are thumbnails of existing web pages that can be arranged within a 2.5-dimensional space, just like documents can be arranged on a normal… | C. Breiteneder, H. Eidenberger, G. Fiedler, M. Raab | Details |
Macro-level Similarity Measurement in VizIR This paper analyzes the similarity measurement in Content-based Image and Video Retrieval systems (CBIR). The goal is to identify preliminaries for… | H. Eidenberger, C. Breiteneder | Details |
A Framework for Visual Information Retrieval In this paper a visual information retrieval project (VizIR) is presented. The goal of the project is the implementation of an open Content-based… | H. Eidenberger, C. Breiteneder | Details |
Suchmodell-basiertes Content-based Image Retrieval Die explosive Entwicklung des Internets in den letzten Jahren ermöglichte es, relativ kostengünstig Datenbestände von Museen, Archiven, etc.… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Content-based Image Retrieval in Digital Libraries Today's systems for Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) suffer from several drawbacks: First, user interfaces are much too complicated for average… | C. Breiteneder, H. Eidenberger | Details |
Query model based Content-based Image Retrieval This abstract describes my doctoral thesis in the field of multimedia / content-based image retrieval (CBIR). CBIR aims at searching image libraries… | H. Eidenberger | Details |
Performance-optimized feature ordering for Content-based Image Retrieval We present a method to improve the performance of content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systems. The idea is based on the concept of query models [1],… | H. Eidenberger, C. Breiteneder | Details |
Automatic Query Generation for Content-based Image Retrieval We describe a subsystem of a content-based image retrieval (CBIR) environment that supports a user in the definition of image similarity. Out of a… | C. Breiteneder, H. Eidenberger | Details |
Merging Image Features by Self-organizing Maps in Content-based Image Retrieval This paper shows how merging by linear combination of weighted distance values can be performed. A weighting algorithm is presented for the automatic… | C. Breiteneder, D. Merkl, H. Eidenberger | Details |
A Retrieval System for Coats of Arms The paper describes a project aiming at content-based retrieval of coats of arms to facilitate information finding. The retrieval system should be… | C. Breiteneder, H. Eidenberger | Details |
Content-based Image Retrieval of Coats of Arms The paper describes a content-based image retrieval system for coats of arms. The characteristics of arms are analyzed and specific features for… | C. Breiteneder, H. Eidenberger | Details |