Interactive Media Systems, TU Wien

Emanuel Vonach

Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Bakk. — Position: Research Assistant


Office 1040 Wien, Favoritenstrasse 11 • Room HE0406 • Map
Office Hours by appointment
Phone +43-1-58801-188053


Robot Supported Virtual and Augmented Reality In this dissertation different aspects from research in the fields of Tangible User Interfaces, encounter-type devices and Passive Haptics are
 E. Vonach Details
TrACTOr & StARboard Tracking and Haptic Interaction for Learning in AR In our modern and computer-driven environment the topic of Human Computer Interaction becomes more important, in order to design efficient and
 C. Schindler Details


VRRobot: Robot Actuated Props in an Infinite Virtual Environment We present the design and development of a fully immersive virtual reality (VR) system that can provide prop-based haptic feedback in an infinite
 E. Vonach, C. Gatterer, H. Kaufmann Details
Virtual Reality zum Anfassen - VR-System mit robotergestÃŒtztem haptischem Feedback Continuously improving hardware increases the realism in Virtual Reality (VR). However, the immersion is often disturbed due to the lack of
 C. Gatterer Details


Design of a Health Monitoring Toy for Children Especially for young children measuring their physiological parameters to assess their health can be stressful, even when conducted at home by their
 E. Vonach, M. Ternek, G. Gerstweiler, H. Kaufmann Details
MediCubes: A Health Monitoring Toy for Children Especially for young children measuring their physiological parameters to assess their health can be stressful, even when conducted at home by their
 E. Vonach, M. Ternek, G. Gerstweiler, H. Kaufmann Details
Speckle Tracking - ACTO Tracking durch optische Maussensoren The use of Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) for medical and entertainment purposes seems promising because of their mostly very intuitive handling and
 D. Bernhardt Details
ImmersiveDeck: A large-scale wireless VR system for multiple users We present preliminary results of work on a low-cost multi-user immersive Virtual Reality system that enables collaborative experiences in large
 I. Podkosova, K. Vasylevska, C. Schönauer, E. Vonach, P. Fikar, E. Broneder, H. Kaufmann Details


HyMoTrack: A Mobile AR Navigation System for Complex Indoor Environments Navigating in unknown big indoor environments with static 2D maps is a challenge, especially when time is a critical factor. In order to provide a
 G. Gerstweiler, E. Vonach, H. Kaufmann Details
MoCapGym: Erlernen motorischer FÀhigkeiten mittels Motion-Capture Performing a precise sequence of movements is essential in sports and physical therapy. These exercises have to be repeated regularly, frequently and
 E. Vonach Details
Game-based Health Monitoring using Tangible User Interface Objects Patients being monitored in hospitals often do not behave as in their daily life. Especially for children such examinations can lead to stress
 M. Ternek Details


ACTO: A Modular Actuated Tangible User Interface Object We introduce a customizable, reusable actuated tangible user interface object: ACTO. Its modular design allows quick adaptations for different
 E. Vonach, G. Gerstweiler, H. Kaufmann Details
Vision-Based Long-Range 3D Tracking, applied to Underground Surveying Tasks To address the need of highly automated positioning systems in underground construction, we present a long-range 3D tracking system based on infrared
 A. Mossel, G. Gerstweiler, E. Vonach, K. Chmelina, H. Kaufmann Details


Robust Long-Range Optical Tracking for Tunneling Measurement Tasks Over the last years, automation for tunnel construction and mining activities increased rapidly. To allow for enhanced tunneling measurement,
 A. Mossel, G. Gerstweiler, E. Vonach, K. Chmelina, H. Kaufmann Details
3D Building Reconstruction and Thermal Mapping in Fire Brigade Operations Fire fighting remains a dangerous profession despite many recent technological and organizational measures. Sensors and technical systems can augment
 C. Schönauer, E. Vonach, G. Gerstweiler, H. Kaufmann Details
Parallel Tracking and Mapping in Hofburg Festsaal Precise localization for mobile Augmented Reality in large indoor environments without specific tracking infrastructure is challenging. This is
 G. Gerstweiler, H. Kaufmann, C. Schönauer, E. Vonach Details
3D Building Reconstruction and Thermal Mapping in Fire Brigade Operations Fire fighting remains a dangerous profession despite many recent technological and organizational measures. Sensors and technical systems can augment
 C. Schönauer, E. Vonach, G. Gerstweiler, H. Kaufmann Details


Analyzing the Feasibility of PTAM based Localization Algorithms in Large Environments on Mobile Devices Augmented reality (AR) is a young field in science and industry. In AR we interact in a real environment with virtual content. AR has the potential
 O. Kosyreva, C. Schönauer, H. Kaufmann, E. Vonach, G. Gerstweiler Details


Development of an Active Motion Capture Suit for Teaching Motion Skills Current multimedia support for teaching and practicing motion skills is usually limited to video and two-dimensional graphics. Especially in areas
 G. Gerstweiler, E. Vonach Details