Submissions to the CLEF-IP Lab

DIRECT is the system used to submit retrieval experiments to our lab.

How do we choose team names?

Freely. Choose any name you wish, but it should easily identify your team/institution.

How many runs are we allowed to submit?

8 runs per task. The run files should be named using the following schema: participantID-runID-taskID.extension.
   participantID will identify your institution/group
   runID identifies the different runs you submit
   taskID should be PSG
   extension is either tgz, gz, zip or other extension used by compressing programs.

How many results per topic can we submit for the 'Claims to Passage Task'?

We accept a maximum of 100 document ids per topic. That is, if we remove the relevant xpaths in your submissions, the number of unique pairs <topic_id, doc_id> should be 100 per topic_id.

Shall we send our submissions to you?

We will very soon announce submission details, since the lab's tasks are currently set up in the DIRECt system. Worst case, yes, you can just send the results to me.

Are we supposed to submit a notebook paper, give presentation, poster?

Yes, all of the above, if you wish to. A notebook paper is generally required and expected. The same for a presentation. A poster is optional, but a good opportunity to show your work to conference participants that cannot attend the CLEF-IP sessions.