SAPIR Deliverable 9.2 - Dissemination and Use Plan - 2nd Report

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SAPIR Deliverable 9.2 - Dissemination and Use Plan - 2nd Report
Author Yosi Mass
Project SAPIR
Dataset Used
Published 31/03/2008
Copyright The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) under grant agreement n° 45128


In this document we present the strategy for Dissemination and use plan (DU P) of SAPIR results. This is the second DU P report in a series of four DUP documents planned during the project life time, and as such it w ill be updated as the project evolves.

SAPIR is a research project focusing on large scale P2P solutions for search in multimedia content. The SAPIR consortium is built of a mix of academic and industrial partners so all partners will contribute to the dissemination activities while exploitation will be naturally done by the industrial partners. This document lays out a strategy for the whole duration of the project and it also reports activities done so far. A final exploitation plan will be delivered at the end of the project at June 2009.

This report includes all 2007 dissemination activities done so far by SAPIR partners as well as plans for the future. It covers activities related to tasks T9.1 (w eb site), T9.2 (Dissemination) and T9.5 (Exploitation). A separate parallel deliverables will report DUP undertaken as part of Task9.3 (publications) and T9.4 (Standardization activities).


Main Author(s): Yosi Mass (IBM)

Participants : Sigmund Akselsen (Telenor), Walter Allasia (Eurix), Fausto Rabitti, Fabrizio Falchi (CNR) , Pavel Zezula (MU-Brno), Maristella Agosti (Padova)



Link to Deliverable : Project Website :

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