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CHORUS+ is a Coordinative Action which objectives is to coordinate national and international projects and initiatives in the Search-engine domain and to extend this Coordination in non-European countries.

CHORUS+ aims at creating the conditions of mutual information exchange and cross fertilisation between the FP7 projects in the search-engines domain and the recently launched national and international initiatives in this area. A particular emphasis on setting concrete R&D and industrial objectives for multimedia search in Europe is planned through the implementation of discussion groups limited to selected representatives (industry and academia) and the organisation of and open participation in workshops, conferences and summer schools.

CHORUS+ will work on the following key issues:

  • Support the integration and strengthening of a single European research area by stimulating interaction and co-ordination among research projects at the EU level in the area of audio-visual search engines.
  • Extend cooperation and coordination to Asian countries (Japan, Singapore and China) and, if applicable, to the USA, since the topic of multimedia search engine represents a global concern today which needs a wider cooperation scope than European frontiers. Emergent efforts from these countries will be watched and establishing connections will be investigated.
  • Support the creation of a multi-disciplinary approach for the implementation and setting-up of audio-visual search engines in the EU.
  • Support the dissemination of results and strategies developed within the ICT Program.

For more details please refer to the CHORUS+ website at

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