Onset Leveau

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Onset Leveau
Domain Music
Media Audio
Instances 17
File Format
Creation Date 2005
Task Onset Detection
Copyright Self Made / Free Access
URL http://www.tsi.telecom-paristech.fr/aao/en/2011/07/13/onset_leveau-a-database-for-onset-detection/


Onset_Leveau: a database for Onset detection Onset_Leveau is a smal annotated database for Onset detection that was in particular used for MIREX 2005 onset detection task.


The sampling rate used throughout is 44.1 kHz.


MIREX 2005 onset detection task

Ground Truth Annotation

The database is proposed with two labels sets: “goodlabels.zip” contains labels that have been validated by the 3 annotators but may miss some that are difficult to annotate precisely, and “labelsPL.zip” contains the onsets annotated by only one annotator.


Licensing / Copyright

"The self-made recordings will be shared with a free access and all the rights of use for research purposes."


P. Leveau, L. Daudet et G. Richard ,”Methodology and Tools for the evaluation of automatic onset detection algorithms in music”, International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Barcelone, Espagne, oct 2004.

External Links

P. Leveau, L. Daudet et G. Richard ,”Methodology and Tools for the evaluation of automatic onset detection algorithms in music”, International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Barcelone, Espagne, oct 2004.

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