Latin Music Database

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Latin Music Database
Domain Music
Media Audio
Size 14 GB
Instances 3160
File Format MP3
Creation Date 2007
Task Classification
Copyright copyrighted


The Latin Music Database contains 3.160 music pieces in MP3 Format classified in 10 diferent musical genres. The musical genres used are: Tango, Bolero, Batchata, Salsa, Merengue, Axé, Forró, Sertaneja, Gaúcha and Pagode. Due to copyright issues it is not possible to have direct access to the Latin Music Database. Audio feature vectors are provided (see beelow).



Ground Truth Annotation

10 diferent musical genres. The musical genres used are: Tango, Bolero, Batchata, Salsa, Merengue, Axé, Forró, Sertaneja, Gaúcha and Pagode.


Normalized feature vectors in the .arff format are provided. Marsyas was used to extract the feature vectors. Feature vectors wer extracted from different parts of the music signal: initial, middle and final 30 seconds.

Copyright Remarks

Due to copyright issues it is not possible to have direct access to the Latin Music Database.


The Latin Music Database: Uma Base de Dados Para a Classificação Automática de Gêneros Musicais" (in Portuguese) presented at the 11th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music (SBCM) in 2007.

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