
Location:Faculty of Informatics (Institute for Software Technology and Interactive Systesms), TU Wien, Austria.

Dates: 21-25 August 2017

The 3rd KEYSTONE Training School on Keyword search in Big Linked Data is a research-training event for graduates and postgraduates in the first steps of their academic career. It will give participants in-depth exposure to the exciting and fast-developing areas related to Keyword search in Big Linked Data.
The school will be held over 5 days, between the 21st and 25th of August and will consist of keynote talks, lectures, and hands-on sessions delivered by renowned academics and experts in the fields of Big Data, Linked Data, NLP, Semantic Web, IR, and other related areas. During the sessions the speakers will explore a large spectrum of current exciting research, development and innovation related to various research areas and society itself.
The school is being organized by IFS in collaboration with the IC1302 COST Action Keystone (Semantic KEYword-based Search on sTructured data sOurcEs).

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a pan-European intergovernmental framework. Its mission is to enable break-through scientific and technological developments leading to new concepts and products and thereby contribute to strengthening Europe's research and innovation capacities. As an event organized by a COST Action, the school does not require any registration fees. Nevertheless, the participation is subject to registration since only a limited number of seats will be made available.


Mihai Lupu, Training School Coordinator, TU Wien and Research Studios Austria

Allan Hanbury, TU Wien and Research Studios Austria

Fajar J. Ekaputra, TU Wien