The preservation idetnfier helps to identify file formats or software alternatives for process implementation based on a context model of the process. This approach identifies software replacements for a specific software application at risk. Such a risk might be a lack of future support, incompatibility with other components of the process, or that the license the software is published under is prohibitive for the future use or preservation of the system. Using the knowledge base obtained from Freebase and PRONOM, we are able to retrieve migration path information in a structured way. We can e.g. propose the migration of a proprietary word processor file format to a more standard format. Depending on whether we need just read access or also write access to the artefact, different conversions will be available – in general, there will be more support for reading a specific format, thus if this is the only requirement, we will be able to identify more potential alternatives.
Supported process models need to be in the format of the context model. Examples can be found in An exemplaric request could specify the Internet Explorer as tool at risk, and would be presented with alternative ontologies where the Internet Explorer is replaced with alternative tools. This example is shown below, other alternatives can be determined using the web UI of the PI
Input (tool at risk):
Output (alternative tools):
* Firefox
supports: action_read_HTML-File-Format_Firefox action_write_OpenDocument_Firefox action_read_CSS-File-Format_Firefox
* Safari
supports: action_read_CSS-File-Format_Safari action_read_HTML-File-Format_Safari
* Opera
supports: action_read_CSS-File-Format_Opera action_read_HTML-File-Format_Opera action_read_Adr_Opera action_write_Adr_Opera
* Google-Chrome
supports: action_read_CSS-File-Format_Google-Chrome action_read_HTML-File-Format_Google-Chrome
This tool is licensend under the Apache License Version 2.0. Show License Hide License
This project is hosted at opensourceprojects. You can clone the project using following command:
git clone; git submodule init; git submodule update
The service is hosted at
The knowledgebase that backens the PI can be accessed at It shows, which tools and formats are available, and which replacements will be performed.
The PI service is hosted at, can execute on TIMBUS compliant context models, as can be found in The tools and formats that are replaced are specified in a risks XML file. An exemplary risk file is shown in the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <businessProcess> <id>businessProcessID</id> <risks> <risk> <id>risk1</id> <name>Imagemagick</name> <likelihood>69</likelihood> <potentialLoss>6.9</potentialLoss> <strategicImpact>None</strategicImpact> <customerImpact>None</customerImpact> <legalImpact>None</legalImpact> <maxRecoveryTime>0.0</maxRecoveryTime> <minRecoveryTime>0.0</minRecoveryTime> <occurInResource>resource1</occurInResource> <occurInBusinessActivity>businessActivity1</occurInBusinessActivity> <riskCategory></riskCategory> </risk> <risk> <id>risk2</id> <name>Oracle Java 6</name> <likelihood>69</likelihood> <potentialLoss>6.9</potentialLoss> <strategicImpact>None</strategicImpact> <customerImpact>None</customerImpact> <legalImpact>None</legalImpact> <maxRecoveryTime>0.0</maxRecoveryTime> <minRecoveryTime>0.0</minRecoveryTime> <occurInResource>resource2</occurInResource> <occurInBusinessActivity>businessActivity1</occurInBusinessActivity> <riskCategory></riskCategory> </risk> </risks> <resources> <resource> <id>resource1</id> <name>imagemagick</name> <type></type> <contextModelURI></contextModelURI> </resource> <resource> <id>resource2</id> <name>java6-installer</name> <type></type> <contextModelURI></contextModelURI> </resource> </resources> <businessActivities> <businessActivity> <id>businessActivity1</id> <name>Search Process</name> <requireResource>resource1</requireResource> </businessActivity> </businessActivities> </businessProcess>