Tool to compare two ontologies and to create a diff of both ontologies. The tool creates various types of diff files:
The OntologyDiff Tool offers a command line interface support following parameters:
usage: Ontology Comparator -f,--format <format> ontology format. 'OWLXMLOntologyFormat' (default),'ManchesterOWLSyntax' -i1,--ontologyA <file> use given file as ontology A -i2,--ontologyB <file> use given file as ontology B -out,--output <file> use given output file -v,--verbose turn on verbose mode
An exmaple usage can be ...
java -jar ontologydiff-1.0.1.jar -i1 /path/to/file/in1.owl -i2 /path/to/file/in2.owl -out /path/to/file/out.owl -v
The output of the program will look similar to this ...
INFO OntologyComparator - pictureService_process.owl ---[ADDED_AXIOMS]---> pictureService_process_updateImageMagick.owl INFO OntologyComparator - Ontology successfully saved at ADDED_AXIOMS_picuterService_dependencies_diff.owl INFO OntologyComparator - pictureService_process.owl ---[COMMON_AXIOMS]---> pictureService_process_updateImageMagick.owl INFO OntologyComparator - Ontology successfully saved at COMMON_AXIOMS_picuterService_dependencies_diff.owl INFO OntologyComparator - pictureService_process.owl ---[COMPLETE_DIFF]---> pictureService_process_updateImageMagick.owl INFO OntologyComparator - Ontology successfully saved at COMPLETE_DIFF_picuterService_dependencies_diff.owl INFO OntologyComparator - pictureService_process.owl ---[DELETED_AXIOMS]---> pictureService_process_updateImageMagick.owl INFO OntologyComparator - Ontology successfully saved at DELETED_AXIOMS_picuterService_dependencies_diff.owl INFO OntologyComparator - pictureService_process.owl ---[VARIANT_B]---> pictureService_process_updateImageMagick.owl INFO OntologyComparator - Ontology successfully saved at VARIANT_B_picuterService_dependencies_diff.owl
This tool is licensend under the Apache License Version 2.0. Show License
The tool is available for download here.
Since the tool is already packaged, you only has to ensure that Java 1.6 or higher is installed on your system.