Invited Talks of Tomasz Miksa
- Machine-actionable DMPs at RDA and beyond. ESIP Marine Data. Virtual. 10 October 2024.
- Research Data Management - how good are you? Vienna Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems, Annual Symposium 2024, Frankenfels. 09 October 2024.
- Machine-actionable DMPs: how to make them work for you. Machine-Actionable Data Management Workshop at Penn State University. Virtual. 02 October 2024.
- Machine actionable DMPs national & international alignements. FAIR-IMPACT National Roadshow Series: Advancing Research Data Management and Open Science in Austria. Virtual. 18 June 2024.
- Evolution of DMP Tools. DMP Online community meeting. Virtual. 21 May 2024.
- Turning Machine-actionable DMPs into FAIR Digital Objects. International FAIR Digital Objects Implementation Summit. Berlin. 21 March 2024.
- More Automation, More Machine-Actionability: Less Bureaucracy. Bio-IT World Europe Conference & Expo. London. 30 November 2023.
- Different shades of FAIR - understanding the differences and practical implications. Palacky University Olomouc. Webinar. 22 November 2023.
- Developing RDM services at an institution. University of Leoben. 15 June 2023.
- RDA maDMPs Working Group - Where Are We Now? Progressing Machine Actionable Data Management Plans in DMPRoadmap. Gothenburg. 20 March 2023.
- Moritz Staudinger, Tomasz Miksa. Reproducible Querying in evolving, schema changing databases to enhance FAIRness of research data. OGC Member Meeting - Data Quality WG. 21 February 2023. Virtual.
- Integrating RDM Services using maDMPs. e-Infrastructure Reflecting Group (e-IRG) Workshop under Czech EU Presidency. Prague. 13 December 2022.
- Machine actionable DMPs: what? why? how? RDA Nordic webinar series. Virtual. 29 June 2022.
- FAIR for Industry. 3rd Interactive Virtual Round Table of CO-VERSATILE Project. Virtual. 01 March 2022.
- Aligning Research Data Management with FAIR principles at an institution. Open Scientific Collections Austria (OSCA). Virtual. 08 February 2022.
- Reproducibility and data management. Guest lecture at the TU Kosice. Kosice, Slovakia. 10 December 2019.
- Jak wspomóc naukowców w zarzadzaniu danymi poprzez przetwarzalne maszynowo Data Management Plans? (keynote). The Pomeranian Open Science Conference. Gdansk, Poland. 10 October 2019.
- Common Standard for machine actionable DMPs. Funders Forum. 14th RDA Plenary. Helsinki, Finland. 22 October 2019.
- Designing a Framework Gaining Repeatability for the openEO Platform. Session: Data Citation: Adoption Meeting. 14th RDA Plenary. Helsinki, Finland. 23 October 2019.
- Towards an alliance for distributed music data, Roundtable, 45th International Council for Traditional Music World Conference (ICTM), Bangkok, Thailand. 15 July 2019.
- Federated Repositories for Ethnomusicological Data, 2nd Workshop on Distributed Ethnomusicology data and MIR in the framework of ASEA-UNINET, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. 14 July 2019.
- Implementation of the RDA Data Citation Recommendations by the Earth Observation Data Center. RDA Webinar. 20 November 2019
- Blockchain, deep learning, decision tress, genetic algorithms, a*, and mesh networks – can we trust your results? Key note at the 7th International Student Workshop. Ladek Zdroj, Poland. June 2019.
- Introduction to Research Data Management, 1st Workshop on Distributed Ethnomusicology Data and Music Information Retrieval, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. 28-30 January 2019.
- Implementing Data Citation for openEO. Session: Data Citation WG. 12th RDA Plenary. Gaborone, Botswana. November 2018.
- Albanian weddings, chemical compounds and earth observation. Key note at the 6th International Student Workshop. Ladek Zdroj, Poland. June 2018.
- Data Management and Data Management Plans. Guest lecture at the Medizinische Universitat Innsbruck. Innsbruck, Austria. December 2017.
- Engaging researchers with RDM through active data management plans. Engaging Researchers with Good Data Management. St Catharine's College, Cambridge, UK. 15 November 2017.
- Machine-actionable Data Management Plans. General assembly of E-Infrastructures Austria. Wien, Austria. November 2017.
- Machine-actionable Data Management Plans. FORCE 2017. October 2017, Berlin, Germany
- Reproducible Scientific Workflows and Machine actionable Data Management Plans. FORCE 2017. Berlin, Germany. October 2017.
- Machine Actionable Data Management Plans. Key note at the 5th International Student Workshop. Szklarska Poreba, Poland. June 2017
- Goals of the DMP Common Standards WG. Session: Active DMPs IG. 10th RDA Plenary. Montreal, Canada. September, 2018.
- Der Data Management Plan (DMP) in Horizon 2020. Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) Akademie - webinar. 18 October 2017.
- Active Data Management Plans a vision of what we can achieve. A postcard from the future: tools and services from a perfect DMP world. Edinburgh, UK. 20 February 2017.
- Pro-active solutions for higher reproducibility of scientific experiments. Panellist in Active Life and Active Data Management: Conceptual shift or cogent awareness?. PERICLES Acting on Change: New Approaches and Future Practices in Long Term Digital Preservation. London, UK. 30 November 2016.
- Reproducible scientific workflows. Panellist in Proactive Management - Who's afraid of automated decision support? PERICLES Acting on Change: New Approaches and Future Practices in Long Term Digital Preservation. London, UK. 1 December 2016.
- Data Management and Data Management Plans. Guest Lecture for PhD students at the Medizinische Universität Graz. Graz, Austria. 10 November 2016.
- Impact of Software Environment on Replicability of Biomedical Workflows. NETTAB 2016 Workshop on Reproducibility, standards and SOP in bioinformatics. Rome, Italy. 26 October, 2016.
- Information integration through Actionable Data Management Plans. Joint meeting of IG Active Data Management Plans, IG Preservation e-Infrastructure, IG Reproducibility: Tools Convergence: Integrating Data Management Plan and Preservation Tools. 8th RDA Plenary, 2016, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- Data Management and Data Management Plans. Information Meeting on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020 at Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG). Wien, Austria. 28 June 2016.
- Data Management Plans. Fortbildungsseminar e-Infrastructures Austria. Wien, Austria. 8 Juni 2016.