IFS LogoDepartment of Software Technology
Vienna University of Technology

The SOMLib Digital Library - After Dark

And now for something completely different...

The SOMLib Digital Library System is a wonderful, fascinating, and serious research project. Since we started putting some stuff on the web, many people kept comming back asking for a bit more of this or that, and we try to do our best to follow up, and to provide as much relevant information as possible.
Yet, there are also times when less relevant information is interesting, and quite frequently people kept asking for somewhat more trivial things than the latest experiments. And, yes, sometimes we found some more trivialita related to our project, which were all the more amusing, and which we want to share with you in this section. So, have fun, and enjoy :-)


Christine Keeler

One of our most prominent test data sets is a collection of news articles from the Time Magazine of the 1960's. And as it happens to be, one of the most prominent topical clusters in this article collection is an interesting sex scandal in Great Britain in that time, i.e. the so-called Profumo-Keeler scandal. The stories about Christine Keeler and John Profumo, original articles on which can be found inour Time Magazine Experiments Section, still attract a lot of visitors to our site, and beliefe it or not, queries for pictures of Christine Keeler are amongst most frequent queries. Unfortunately, our text collection is text-only. To satisfy those requests (and since we got a bit curious ourselves), we searched the web and collected a few photos of the famous Christine Keeler, which we are happy to share with you here.

Some of the famous Keeler-Poses:

The famouse Keeler-Pose, which founds its way into photographic history The famouse Keeler-Pose, which founds its way into photographic history
Keeler-Pose Another "Keeler-Pose", not as famous as the first one
A nice close-up A nice close-up

Other images:

The cover of Glaxo Babies' album entiteled Christine Keeler (the other song on the album is "Nova Bossanova") Adolf Frohner's Photocollage Chrsitine Keeler thinking, 1968 Adolf Frohner's PhotocollageChristine Keeler thinking, 1968, from Museum Online
A picture from some news clipping (?) A picture from some news clipping (?)
British Prime Minister Macmillan British Prime Minister Macmillan

For those who want to explore the story in a bit more detail, there is also a book on the whole story, published by tso publishing in the "uncovered editions" series, entiteled John Profumo and Christine Keeler 1963, ISBN 0-11-702402-3.

Book Cover

Self-Organizing Maps

The foundation of the SOMLib Digital Library System is the Self-Organizing Map, or SOM in short, developed by Prof. Teuvo Kohonen and his group in Finland. It is a fantastic and stable neural network model, that has found its followers around the world. We thus once wanted to know, which www.som.* domains could be found around the world, celebrating the fame of the neural network model. And we found quite a lot, although not always what we might have expect :-)
And, by the way, beliefe it or not, there are even other SOMLib sites on the web, such as the library of the school of metaphysics, but see for yourself.... :-)

Library Humor

The SOMLib Digital Library Project is about...Libraries, so why not take a look at some of the more humorous aspects in the field of libraries, of which there is plenty around...

New stuff?

You have some things that we should add to our after-dark setion? Pictures? Stories? links? Just let us know by sending an e-mail to rauber@ifs.tuwien.ac.at.

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Comments: rauber@ifs.tuwien.ac.at