WeknowIt D5.1 Knowledge Management Survey

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WeknowIt D5.1 Knowledge Management Survey
Author Felix Schwagereit, Ansgar Scherp , Tomasz Kaczanowski , Ernest Woźniak , Dariusz Dziadek, Symeon Papadopoulos
Project WeKnowIt
Dataset Used
Published 30/09/2008
Copyright The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) under grant agreement n° 215453


This report presents the detailed analysis and survey of traditional knowledge management systems and Web 2.0 applications from a knowledge management perspective.

The survey focuses on information systems for supporting knowledge management rather than on pure knowledge management frameworks. It begins with an introduction and definition of knowledge, knowledge management and Web 2.0. Four common processes of traditional knowledge management as well as six processes of Web 2.0 applications for knowledge management are identified. A widespread selection of traditional knowledge management systems and Web 2.0 application are presented and analysed. These applications are put in relation to the knowledge management processes and Web 2.0 processes. Based on this, we argue for the applicability of Web 2.0 methods for knowledge management in the WeKnowIt project.


Main Author(s) : Schwagereit Felix, Scherp Ansgar (UoKob), Kaczanowski Tomasz, Woźniak Ernest, Dziadek Dariusz (SMIND), Papadopoulos Symeon (CERTH)



Link to Deliverable : http://www.weknowit.eu/sites/default/files/D5.1.pdf Project Website : http://www.weknowit.eu/

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