WeKnowIt D5.2.1 Prototypical Knowledge Management Methodology

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WeKnowIt D5.2.1 Prototypical Knowledge Management Methodology
Project WeKnowIt
Dataset Used
Published 31/12/2009
Copyright The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) under grant agreement n° 215453


This report presents the intermediate description of the knowledge management methodology for the organisational intelligence in WeKnowIt. It consists of three contributions, the development of the pattern-based ontology for events, namely the core ontology Event-Model-F, a log-merger application for searching in emergency response log-files that bases on the Event-Model-F, and a distributed group management called FOAF. The Event-Model-F provides a formal representation of the different aspects of events in which humans participate such as time and space, composition, correlation, and documentation. Compared to existing models, the Event-Model-F differs in providing sophisticated support for modelling causality, correlation, and interpretation of events.

The Event-Model-F is designed to be domain independent, which means that it can be applied for emergency response as well as tourism but also for other domains. It is employed in the SemaPlorer application for the faceted navigation in a very large, distributed and heterogeneous semantic data set. Events and the activities of professional emergency response entities during an emergency incident are documented in log-files. A log-merger application processes these log-files with NLP-techniques to provide the users access to the emergency response related information like location, role, and action. People participating in events may be organised in different companies or communities. Here, a distributed group management FOAF has been developed that bases on the well-known Friend-of-a-Friend vocabulary.


Main Author(s) : Ansgar Scherp, Felix Schwagereit, Carsten Saathoff, Thomas Franz, Daniel Schmeiss, Steffen Staab, Simon Schenk (UoKob), Symeon Papadopoulos, Apostolos Kritikos (CERTH), Matteo Bonifacio (University of Trento)



Link to Deliverable : http://www.weknowit.eu/sites/default/files/D5.2.1.pdf Project Website : http://www.weknowit.eu/

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