TRIPOD Implemented OpenGIS components

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TRIPOD Implemented OpenGIS components
Author Eduardo Dias, Steven Fruijtier, Martijn van Exel
Domain OGC, Standards, web-services, geoinformation
Project TRIPOD
Dataset Used
Published April 2008
Copyright Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002- 2006) under GA nr. 045335


This document summarizes the currently implemented and planned to be implemented OpenGIS compliant services for the project TRIPOD. The Tripod system and its individual components are designed to be implemented in a serviceoriented architecture. This allows for the greatest possible autonomy among the individual partners in the implementation while ensuring a common ground based on data structures and a communication protocol that uses open standards (e.g., OGC GML, SOAP). In the Tripod system design (D1.3) a first version of the interfaces specification between the different components was defined, together with the definition of the commonly used data structures. This involved the identification of suitable open standards. From the Open Geospatial consortium the GML3.1.1 was chosen, particularly the Simple Features profile. Web Service technologies are used as the main approach for accessing the data and information, following OGC specifications and ISO standards. The implemented technologies include Web Feature Service (WFS) and a Web Terrain Service (WTS), the first serves data in the form of the Geography Markup Language, GML3.1.1 (according to the latest OGC recommendation for data sharing and INSPIRE compliant) and the later renders 3D views into images. Other technologies are proposed to be implemented at a later stage in the project, such as the Catalogue services which allow for the publishing of the tripod services and increase their accessibility and findability and, in this way, they can potentially be used by other services/users outside the project. This document also describes in detail the data that the implemented services are giving access to, the OGC standard data formats and it ends with a collection of examples of how to access the data services implemented so far.


Main Author(s): Eduardo Dias, Steven Fruijtier, Martijn van Exel Participants: USFD, UZH, DCU, UBA, CU, Ordinance Survey, Centrica, GEODAN, Alinari, TILDE



Link to Deliverable: Project Website :

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