Social Even Detection (SED) - MediaEval 2012

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Social Even Detection (SED) - MediaEval 2012
Domain Social Events
Media Image
Size ~5,8 GB
Instances 167K images
File Format JPG
Creation Date October, 2012
Task Detect images related to specified classes of events


The Social Even Detection (SED) task is part of the MediaEval annual international benchmarking activity. In the 2012 edition of the SED task, three event-related challenges were defined on a common dataset of approximately 167k images. All three challenges required that participants detect images related to specified classes of events, and return them clustered in different events.

In order to further promote research in event-related media organization and facilitate the comparison between different approaches on a common dataset, the SED 2012 dataset has been made publicly available for download and use by the research community. The downloadable archives include the following: a) The three 2012 SED Challenges definitions, b) The XML metadata for the images in the test dataset, c) The actual image files of the test dataset, d) Ground truth results for the defined challenges/dataset, e) An evaluation script.


Social Even Detection (SED) task - MediaEval 2012

Ground Truth Annotation

Ground truth annotations are provided for the challenges/dataset in txt files.

Licensing / Copyright

The images distributed as part of the Social Event Detection 2012 (SED 2012) dataset were collected from Flickr, where they were posted by their respective owners under a Creative Commons license. The Creative Commons attribution licenses allow for image use as long as the photographer is credited for the original creation. Possibly, use is granted under additional restrictions, but none of these preclude the use of the images for benchmarking purposes.

While compiling the Social Event Detection 2012 (SED 2012) dataset, we collected only Creative Commons images, and also collected as much information possible about the creators of each image. The creator information, the exact license type and other relevant information are included in the image license file, which is distributed together with the images.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the image photographers for allowing us to use their pictures: we greatly appreciate this and gladly acknowledge your work. Your names and license details are listed in image license file. Please let us know if you have special wishes on how you would like to be credited or have additional details that must be incorporated.


S. Papadopoulos, E. Schinas, V. Mezaris, R. Troncy, I. Kompatsiaris, "Social Event Detection at MediaEval 2012: Challenges, Dataset and Evaluation", Proc. MediaEval 2012 Workshop, Pisa, Italy, October 2012.

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