SAPIR Deliverable 9.2 - Dissemination and Use Plan

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SAPIR Deliverable 9.2 - Dissemination and Use Plan
Author Yosi Mass
Project SAPIR
Dataset Used
Published 23/07/2007
Copyright The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) under grant agreement n° 45128


In this document w e present the strategy for Dissemination and use plan (DU P) of SAPIR results. It is the first in a series of four DUP documents planned during the project life time, and as such it w ill be updated as the project evolves. SAPIR is a research project focusing on large scale P2P solutions for search in multimedia content.

The SAPIR consortium is built of a mix of academic and industrial partners so all partners w ill contribute to the dissemination activities w hile exploitation w ill be naturally done by the industrial partners. This document lays out a strategy for the w hole duration of the project and it also reports activities done so far. A final exploitation plan w ill be delivered at the end of the project at Jun 2009. The document describes project activities undertaken as part of task T9.1, T9.2, T9.3, T9.4 and T9.5


Main Author(s): Yosi Mass (IBM)

Participants : Sigmund Akselsen (Telenor), Walter Allasia (Eurix), Fausto Rabitti (CNR) , Pavel Zezula (MU-Brno), Telefonica , Maristella Agosti (Padova)



Link to Deliverable : Project Website :

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