SAPIR Deliverable 5.1 - Query language definition for querying combinations of multi-media data

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SAPIR Deliverable 5.1 - Query language definition for querying combinations of multi-media data
Author Yosi Mass
Project SAPIR
Dataset Used
Copyright The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) under grant agreement n° 45128


The growing amount of digital multimedia data available today calls for means to search and discover this data. The MPEG-7 standard for multimedia content description can be used to enable a definition of a query language for search in multimedia content. MPEG-7 is expressed in XML and it defines descriptors of the multimedia content such as audio-visual descriptors, location and time attributes as well as other metadata such as media author, media Uri and more.

While most search solutions for multimedia today are based on text annotations, having the MPEG-7 standard opens an opportunity for real multimedia content based retrieval. In this report we propose an IR-style query language for such multimedia content based retrieval that exploits the XML representation of MPEG-7. The query language is an extension of the “XML Fragments” query language that was originally designed as a Query- By-Example for text-only XML collections. We mainly focus on the unique characteristics of similarity search for Multimedia content and show a first implementation in SAPIR.


Main Author(s): Yosi Mass

Participants : Benjamin Sznajder, Jonathan Mamou, Michal Shmueli-Scheuer (IBM), Sigmund Akselsen (Telenor), Nicola Orio, Massimo Melucci (UPD), Aaron Kaplan (Xerox)



Link to Deliverable : Project Website :

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