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Domain Botany
Media Image
Size 336 Mo
Instances 5436
File Format JPG, XML
Creation Date 2011
Task content-based plant identification
Copyright Creative Commons License


Pl@ntLeaves is dedicated to the evaluation of content-based plant identification based on leaf images. It contains 5436 images with 3070 scans, 897 scan-like photos and 1469 photographs. All images were collected and annotated through a citizen science initiative involving 17 contributors.


JPG images


Pl@ntLeaves was used for the plant identification of ImageCLEF 2011. The data was created in the context of the Pl@ntNet project with the contribution of the social network Telabotanica.

Ground Truth Annotation

Each image of Pl@ntLeaves dataset is associated with the following meta-data: { Date upload date of the image { Type (acquisition type: scan, scan-like or photograph) { Content content type: single leaf, single dead leaf or foliage (several leaves on tree visible in the picture) { Taxon full taxon name (sub-regnum, regnum, class, division, order, family, genus, species) { VernacularNames French or English vernacular names { Author name of the author of the picture { Organization name of the organization of the author { Locality locality name (a district or a country division or a region) { GPSLocality GPS coordinates of the observation


A software for computing evaluation scores is provided

Licensing / Copyright

Creative Commons License



   hal_id = {hal-00642197},
   url = {},
   title = Template:The ImageCLEF 2011 plant images classi cation task,
   author = {Go{\"e}au, Herv{\'e} and Bonnet, Pierre and Joly, Alexis and Boujemaa, Nozha and Barth{\'e}l{\'e}my, Daniel and Molino, Jean-Fran{\c c}ois and Birnbaum, Philippe and Mouysset, Elise and Picard, Marie},
   abstract = {{ImageCLEFs plant identi cation task provides a testbed for the system-oriented evaluation of tree species identi cation based on leaf images. The aim is to investigate image retrieval approaches in the context of crowdsourced images of leaves collected in a collaborative manner. This paper presents an overview of the resources and assessments of the plant identi cation task at ImageCLEF 2011, summarizes the retrieval approaches employed by the participating groups, and provides an analysis of the main evaluation results.}},
   language = {Anglais},
   affiliation = {IMEDIA - INRIA Rocquencourt , BotAnique et BioinforMatique de l'Architecture des Plantes - AMAP , ZENITH - INRIA Sophia Antipolis , Tela Botanica},
   booktitle = Template:ImageCLEF 2011,
   address = {Amsterdam, Pays-Bas},
   audience = {internationale },
   year = {2011},
   month = Sep,
   pdf = {},


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