Onset Detection Database

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Onset Detection Database
Domain Music
Media Audio
Instances 19
File Format WAV
Creation Date
Task Onset Detection
Copyright Available for research purposes. Not for comercial use.
URL http://grfia.dlsi.ua.es/cm/projects/prosemus/database.php


Onset Detection Database is an onset detection test database built using a set of real recordings. This database contains some sounds selected from the RWC database and other real recordings. The songs were selected to cover a relatively wide range of instruments and musical genres.

An onset detection evaluation software, which is also available for research purposes has been developed to compare the detected onsets with the groundtruth. The system computes the number of correct detections, false positives and false negatives, considering a 50 ms error margin.


19 real recordings in wav format (22,050 kHz, mono, 16 bit) and their onset positions in text format.


Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Group - University of Alicante (PRAIg-UA)

Ground Truth Annotation

The ground truth onset positions were marked and reviewed using a software called speech filling system (SFS). http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/resource/sfs/


  • wav format: 22,050 kHz, mono, 16 bit.
  • text format: each row contains an onset time in seconds.

Copyright Remarks

Available for research purposes. Not for comercial use.

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