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Domain Broadcast
Media Audio & VIdeo
Size 133 hours
Instances 1
File Format mxf, mpeg, asf
Creation Date 2011
Task Speech recognition, shot segmentation, content summarization, copy detection
Copyright EBU
URL http://ebu-scaie.lab.vrt.be/mammie/


The EBU-SCAIE content set is an audiovisual content set that has been made available by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). The collected content in the set is consisting of broadcast media content collected from different broadcasters around the world. This content set is made available to the research community in order to evaluate automatic information extraction tools on this broadcast media. The set also contains ground truth data for several automatic information extraction tasks.

The MIM-SCAIE content set contains broadcast media productions from 5 different broadcasters: Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI, Italy), Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroeporganisatie (VRT, Belgium), Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK, Japan), Deutsche Welle (DW, Germany) provided by Institut für Rundfunktechnik (IRT, Germany) and Danish Radio (DR, Denmark). RAI, VRT, NHK and DW provided video files. The material from DR are high resolution audio files.

The set currently includes 274 items. Each item is available as a high resolution video file, together with high-res audio tracks and corresponding ground truth information (if available). In total, there is 133 hours of audiovisual media available in the content set.

The content set can be reached through its web plaform called mammie: http://ebu-scaie.lab.vrt.be/mammie/


Video quality:

Broadcaster Wrapper codec resolution bitrate
IRT mpeg mpeg2 720x576 12,5Mbit
VRT mxf dvvideo 720x576 32Mbit
NHK mpeg mpeg1 352x240 1150kbit
DR n/a n/a n/a n/a
RAI asf wmv2 384x288 338kbit

Audio quality:

Broadcaster codec samplerate bitrate
IRT mp2 48000 Hz 384 kb
VRT pcm 48000 Hz 768 kb
NHK mp2 44100 Hz 224 kb
DR mp2 48000 Hz 384 kb
RAI wmav2 44100 Hz 64 kb


The data is obtained from different broadcast organisations: IRT, VRT, NHK, DR and RAI.

Ground Truth Annotation

For a fraction of the content, there is also ground truth information available. All videos from NHK are associated with ground truth for speech recognition and item segmentation. Also the content of VRT has ground truth available for some videos: item segmentation (4 videos), face detection (2 videos) and speech recognition (1 video).

Available ground truth:

Task # videos
Item segmentation 48
Speech recognition 45
Face detection 2


Licensing / Copyright

[1] License agreement

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