DIOMEDES D2.2 Interim reference system architecture report

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DIOMEDES D2.2 Interim reference system architecture report
Author N. Just, M. Laabs, D. Driesnack, S. Dogan, E. Ekmekcioglu, H. Kodikara Arachchi, S. Worrall, A. Kondoz, A. Fernando, P. Aichroth, A. Franck, J. Hasselbach, A. Haupt, T. Korn, C. Goktug Gurler, T. Adari, Z. Gaál, E. Dogan, K. Aydoğdu, H. Gokmen
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Published 28/10/2010
Copyright The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) under grant agreement n° 247996


This deliverable is an update of D2.1 based on the progress in the other work packages. Compared to D2.1 more precisely definitions of the interfaces and the system components will be carried out. Detailed communication descriptions are also available in D5.1.

The specified updated architecture described in this document will form the basis of the other work packages in DIOMEDES. More detailed information about the specification for the A/V processing can be found in WP3 and the corresponding deliverables. A/V coding and P2P architecture will be more described in WP4 with its deliverables. With all these definitions the proof of concept prototype will be developed (WP5), integrated and demonstrated (WP6).

This deliverable will refine the initial system architecture, describing the interim reference system architecture with all included modules, the synchronisation of the delivery channels (P2P and DVB) and their essence (audio and video).


Main Author(s) : N. Just (IRT) , M. Laabs (IRT), D. Driesnack (IRT), S. Dogan (UNIS), E. Ekmekcioglu (UNIS), H. Kodikara Arachchi (UNIS), S. Worrall (UNIS), A. Kondoz (UNIS), A. Fernando (UNIS), P. Aichroth (IDMT), A. Franck (IDMT), J. Hasselbach (IDMT), A. Haupt (IDMT), T. Korn (IDMT), C. Goktug Gurler (KOC), T. Adari (OPT), Z. Gaál (HOL), E. Dogan (ARC), K. Aydoğdu (ARC), H. Gokmen (ARC)



Link to Deliverable : http://www.diomedes-project.eu/deliverables/diomedes_deliverable-D2.2_v1_final.pdf Project Website: http://www.diomedes-project.eu/

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