BOEMIE D3.9 Domain Ontologies - Final Version

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BOEMIE D3.9 Domain Ontologies - Final Version
Author K. Dalakleidi, G.Stoilos, S. Dasiopoulou, C. Evangelou, V. Tzouvaras
Domain [[Category:]]
Project BOEMIE
Dataset Used
Published 9-September-08
Copyright The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) under grant agreement n° 027538


Ontologies play a prominent role in a wide range of activities, such as information exchange, communication, and archiving. Knowledge representation and reasoning are often concerned with how a software agent uses its knowledge in taking decisions to enable such activities, therefore, it is of great importance that ontologies are well-designed and evolved in a structured and systematic way. The purpose of this deliverable is to describe the tasks involved in the construction of the final version of the domain ontologies. Since, the domain ontologies in the framework of the BOEMIE project serve as the background knowledge that guides the processes of semantics extraction from multimedia documents, ontology evolution, as well as information retrieval and presentation, the design principles that have been adopted account for these different types of knowledge involved and for the functionalities required. Domain ontologies in the BOEMIE framework are the Athletics Event Ontology and the Geographic Information Ontology. The Athletics Events Ontology is a formal conceptualisation of the domain of athletics competitions organised according to the regulations of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). The Geographic Information Ontology contains concepts and relations that represent geographic information, focussing on those that can be used to connect the domain knowledge with map data during retrieval and presentation of multimedia content.


Authors: K. Dalakleidi1, G.Stoilos1, S. Dasiopoulou1, C. Evangelou1, V. Tzouvaras1

1 Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)



Link to deliverable: Project website:

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