BOEMIE D3.5 Domain Ontologies - version 2

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BOEMIE D3.5 Domain Ontologies - version 2
Author K. Dalakleidi, C. Evangelou, S. Dasiopoulou, V. Tzouvaras
Domain [[Category:]]
Project BOEMIE
Dataset Used
Published 21/08/2007
Copyright The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) under grant agreement n° 027538


This deliverable presents the second version of the do-main ontologies in the framework of the BOEMIE pro-ject. The domain ontologies are the Athletics Event On-tology and the Geographic Information Ontology. The Athletics Event Ontology comprises concepts, relations, axioms and rules that formally represent the domain of Athletics. This ontology is instantiated initially by the analysis modules and secondly by the reasoning services and can be enriched during the evolution process with new knowledge. Axioms and rules through abductive reasoning are used to extract implicit knowledge (in-ferred types), but also to add knowledge in the existing Knowledge Base, assisting in this way the semantics ex-traction process, triggering the evolution process and enabling information retrieval. Thus, the prerequisites posed on the construction of the Athletics Event ontol-ogy arise from its uses during the multimedia analysis, reasoning and evolution processes. On the other hand, to exploit the advantages of the BOEMIE synergistic ap-proach regarding the connection of the domain knowl-edge to map data, the Geographic Information Ontology has been further developed. The Geographic Information Ontology serves as knowledge in the framework of a de-ductive geographic information system that supports on-tology-based spatial-thematic query answering.


K. Dalakleidi1, C. Evangelou1, S. Dasiopoulou1, V. Tzouvaras1

1Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)



Link to deliverable: Project website:

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