BOEMIE D1.1 Project description and Web site

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BOEMIE D1.1 Project description and Web site
Author C.D. Spyropoulos, G. Paliouras, A. Tsakonas
Domain [[Category:]]
Project BOEMIE
Dataset Used
Published 20 October 2006
Copyright The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) under grant agreement n° 027538


BOEMIE will pave the way towards automation of the knowledge acquisition process from multimedia content which nowadays grows with increasing rates in both public and proprietary webs, and will break new ground by introducing and implementing the concept of evolving multimedia ontologies. The project is unique in that it links multimedia extraction with ontology evolution, creating a synergy of enormous yet unrealized potential. In recent years, significant advances have been made in the area of automatic extraction of low-level features from visual content. However, little progress has been achieved in the identification of high-level semantic features or the effective combination of semantic features derived from different modalities. Driven by domain-specific multimedia ontologies, BOEMIE information extraction systems will be able to identify high-level semantic features in image, video, audio and text and fuse these features for optimal extraction. The ontologies will be continuously populated and enriched using the extracted semantic content. This is a bootstrapping process, since the enriched ontologies will in turn be used to drive the multimedia information extraction system.


C.D. Spyropoulos, G. Paliouras, A. Tsakonas



Link to deliverable : Project website :

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