Affect Task MediaEval 2010

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Affect Task MediaEval 2010
Domain Affect in semi-professional user generated content
Media Video
Size 1,5 G
Instances 124
File Format mov
Creation Date May 2010
Task Predict user experienced level of boredom or engagement while watching video
Copyright Use with permission of the filmmaker


The video set consisted of short videos from a travelogue, Bill Bowel's travel project, "My Name is Bill". Bill is a filmmaker and traveling video blogger. Each episode tells a story about a place visited during his travel around the world. The videos are about two to five minutes long and chosen to vary along a broad spectrum with respect to their potential to be either boring or entertaining.


Multiple formats available

Format is .mov, but others may be available.


MediaEval 2010 (PetaMedia Network of Excleence)

Ground Truth Annotation

User perceived boredom scores (see citation)


The videos, the extracted speech by automated speech recognition and the available metadata including the episodes' popularity, and the annotations were provided.

Copyright Remarks

Video can be used with the permission of the filmmaker


Soleymani, M. and Larson, M. Crowdsourcing for Affective Annotation of Video: Development of a Viewer-reported Boredom Corpus. In Proceedings of the SIGIR 2010 Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Search Evaluation (CSE 2010)

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