Chorus + Activities

Media Search cluster meeting dedicated to Social Media Search

14 April 2011, Trento, Italy

The Media Search Cluster focused on Social Media Search with an invited talk from Yahoo!, presentations from relevant EC funded projects and companies, followed by a panel discussion and the launching of a white paper in the area.

This AV Media Search Cluster dedicated to Social Media Search was organised in Trento (Italy) on April 14, 2011.

You can find the complete minutes here


The agenda was based on Social Media Search with an invited talk from Yahoo!, presentations from the results of the Think-Tank meeting which was organized in October 2010 in Firenze (report to be found here), presentations from relevant EC funded projects and companies, followed by a panel discussion.

It has also been the starting activity for the preparation of a white paper in the area.

  • 10.00-10.15 Welcome by Jean-Charles Point

  • 10.15-10.30 FIArch activities by Theodore Zahariadis

  • 'Social Media Search' Session

  • 10.30-11.15 Invited speaker: Alex Jaimes (Yahoo) "Opportunities at the Intersection of User Behavior in Search and in Social Networks"

  • 11.15-13.30 Chorus+ "Social Search" Think-Tank report y Pieter Vander Linder; P2P-Next Content Discovery by Jari Ahola; Qlectives "Sociall Intelligent Systems for Quality Collectives" by Michal Ziembowicz; Engineering "Multimedia search: looking for a new paradigm" by Francesco Saverio Nucci; Petamedia "Tagging and Geotagging for Social Multimedia" by Martha Larson; Exalead "Search vs Social Media" by Henry Gouroud

  • 13.30-14.30 Lunch break

  • 14.30 -15.30 "WeKnowIt - Collective Intelligence from Social Media Analysis" by Yiannis Kompatsiaris; GLOCAL "Event-based Retrieval of Networked Media" by Francesco De Natale

  • 15.30-16.45 Panel and White Paper discussion moderated by Yiannis Kompatsiaris

  • News from the Cluster

  • 16.45-18.00 "3D shape matching and algebraic geometry" by Letizia Pernigotti; LivingKnowledge "a project overview" by Vincenzo Maltese; I-Search "a project overview" by Petros Daras; Upcoming events

  • News from the EC

  • 18.00-18.15 "What we learned from Call 7" by Loretta Anania

  • 18.15-18.30 Conclusions and closing by Jean-Charles Point


Previous Media Search Cluster meeting was organised on November 29, 2010 and was oriented on the two following topics:

  • Evaluation and Benchmarking

  • Standardization (needs and overview)

Report available here

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