After all the steps mentioned in the previous chapters there should now be a directory with a lot of *.fft files in it. To obtain a valid SOM Vectorfile you have to run now SJBmajorvector. SJBmajorvector can be obtained from here. There is also a undocumented program for special vector generation: SJBvector
The GHSOM does not understand negative values within the Vectorfile. Use SJBplus to get a clean positive Vectorfile. SJBplus can be obtained from here.
All vectors are normalized using
somlib.som.preprocess.Vec2Vecout of the SOMLib package. The best way to proceed is to run the following script:
# Normalization of Vectorfile
# $1 is Name of Vectorfile
ln -s $SOMLIBDIR somlib
mv $INPUT $INPUT.input
java -Xmx10000m somlib.som.preprocess.Vec2Vec -i $INPUT.input -o $INPUT -n t -v $VERBOSITY >>$LOGFILE 2>>$LOGFILE
rm $INPUT.input
rm somlib