Now the segments are interpolated with SJBfkt. SJBfkt can be obtained from here.
The interpolated values are used to run a FFT with SJBfft. SJBfft can be obtained from here.
The following script shows a way to combine the steps mentioned above by using unix pipes.
#! /bin/bash
# interpolates all files and does a fft with them
# calls "sjbfkt" and "sjbfft"
# $1 is full time in seconds (e.g.: 5)
# $2 are steps for FFT (e.g.: 256)
# $3 is weighted, non-weighted (e.g.: 1/0)
# CAUTION: steps must be a power of 2!
# FFT: gewichtet: 1, ungewichtet: 0
# output: *.fft
mkdir ../time
for FILE in *s
echo sjbfkt $FILE $1 $2, sjbfft $3
cat $FILE | sjbfkt $1 $2 | sjbfft $3 >$FILE.fft
mv $FILE ../time
# leerdateien löschen!
echo now deleting empty files...
find -empty -exec rm '{}' ';'