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Patent text mining includes research focusing on coordination of multiple diverse information sources related to patents, for example data sources for patent law, regulations, patents, court litigations, scientific publications etc.
We encourage submissions of high quality research papers on all topics in the areas listed below.
Submissions have to be new or substantially different from previous publications, research accepted for publication or already submitted elsewhere. Exceptions to this rule are submissions of research presented at workshop and/or conferences without proceedings, and submissions of research that has been previously made available as technical reports or preprints (e.g. arXiv). To maintain anonymity, authors should be prepared to cite the report only in the camera ready versions.
The submissions will be double-blind reviewed by a mixed programme committee of researchers and IP domain experts.
Authors must submit their manuscripts as PDF files via EasyChair (link here)
Accepted sumissions are:
Please format your pdf submissions using this template.
Sumissions that passed the review process will be invited to write an extended version of their paper which will be published in the World Patent Information Journal (WPI).