University of Technology
& Software Engineering Group
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Natascha Surnic
Natascha Surnic
Vienna University of Technology
Institute of Software Technology and
Interactive Systems
Information and Software Engineering Group
Room: HC 02 11
Favoritenstrasse 9-11/188/2
A-1040 Wien
(domain = ifs.tuwien.ac.at)
phone: +43 1 58801 - 18803
- since 2006: Secretary and Project Assistant at the Institute of Software
Technology and Interactive Systems, Information and Software
Engineering Group doing research on Digital Preservation
- since 2008: Studies of Computer Science Management at the Vienna University of Technology
- since 2006: Studies of Business Informatics at the Vienna University of Technology
Projects and Activities
PLANETS (Permanent Long-term Access through Networked Services)
The Planets project brings together European National Libraries and
Archives, leading research institutions, and technology companies to
address the challenge of preserving access to digital cultural and
scientific knowledge. The objective of PLANETS is to develop systems
and tools which will support the accessibility and use of digital
cultural and scientific resources, specifically through the development
of novel concepts, techniques and tools to preserve the availability of
digital resources over time.
Natascha Surnic, Andreas Rauber.
Digital Preservation Time Capsule: A Showcase for Digital Preservation
In: Workshop on Data Analysis (WDA'2009).
Slovakia, July 2009.
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last edited 2009.07.22 by
Natascha Surnic