Country: Swaziland - Geography Total area: 17,360 km2; land area: 17,200 km2 Comparative area: slightly smaller than New Jersey Land boundaries: 535 km total; Mozambique 105 km, South Africa 430 km Coastline: none--landlocked Maritime claims: none--landlocked Climate: varies from tropical to near temperate Terrain: mostly mountains and hills; some moderately sloping plains Natural resources: asbestos, coal, clay, tin, hydroelelectric power, forests, and small gold and diamond deposits Land use: 8% arable land; NEGL% permanent crops; 67% meadows and pastures; 6% forest and woodland; 19% other; includes 2% irrigated Environment: overgrazing; soil degradation; soil erosion Note: landlocked; almost completely surrounded by South Africa - People Population: 778,525 (July 1990), growth rate 3.1% (1990) Birth rate: 46 births/1,000 population (1990) Death rate: 15 deaths/1,000 population (1990) Net migration rate: 0 migrants/1,000 population (1990) Infant mortality rate: 126 deaths/1,000 live births (1990) Life expectancy at birth: 48 years male, 55 years female (1990) Total fertility rate: 6.0 children born/woman (1990) Nationality: noun--Swazi(s); adjective--Swazi Ethnic divisions: 97% African, 3% European Religion: 60% Christian, 40% indigenous beliefs Language: English and siSwati (official); government business conducted in English Literacy: 67.9% Labor force: 195,000; over 60,000 engaged in subsistence agriculture; about 92,000 wage earners (many only intermittently), with 36% agriculture and forestry, 20% community and social services, 14% manufacturing, 9% construction, 21% other; 24,000-29,000 employed in South Africa (1987) Organized labor: about 10% of wage earners - Government Long-form name: Kingdom of Swaziland Type: monarchy; independent member of Commonwealth Capital: Mbabane (administrative); Lobamba (legislative) Administrative divisions: 4 districts; Hhohho, Lubombo, Manzini, Shiselweni Independence: 6 September 1968 (from UK) Constitution: none; constitution of 6 September 1968 was suspended on 12 April 1973; a new constitution was promulgated 13 October 1978, but has not been formally presented to the people Legal system: based on South African Roman-Dutch law in statutory courts, Swazi traditional law and custom in traditional courts; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: Somhlolo (Independence) Day, 6 September (1968) Executive branch: monarch, prime minister, Cabinet Legislative branch: bicameral Parliament (Libandla) is advisory and consists of an upper house or Senate and a lower house or House of Assembly Judicial branch: High Court, Court of Appeal Leaders: Chief of State--King MSWATI III (since 25 April 1986); Head of Government--Prime Minister Obed MFANYANA (since 12 July 1989) Political parties: none; banned by the Constitution promulgated on 13 October 1978 Suffrage: none Elections: no direct elections Communists: no Communist party Member of: ACP, AfDB, CCC, FAO, G-77, GATT (de facto), IBRD, ICAO, IDA, IFAD, IFC, ILO, IMF, INTERPOL, ISO, ITU, NAM, OAU, Southern African Customs Union, SADCC, UN, UNESCO, UPU, WHO Diplomatic representation: Ambassador Absalom Vusani MAMBA; Chancery at 4301 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington DC 20008; telephone (202) 362-6683; US--Ambassador (vacant), Deputy Chief of Mission Armajane KARAER; Embassy at Central Bank Building, Warner Street, Mbabane (mailing address is P. O. Box 199, Mbabane); telephone 22281 through 22285 Flag: three horizontal bands of blue (top), red (triple width), and blue; the red band is edged in yellow; centered in the red band is a large black and white shield covering two spears and a staff decorated with feather tassels, all placed horizontally - Economy Overview: The economy is based on subsistence agriculture, which occupies much of the labor force and contributes about 25% to GDP. Manufacturing, which includes a number of agroprocessing factories, accounts for another 25% of GDP. Mining has declined in importance in recent years; high-grade iron ore deposits were depleted in 1978, and health concerns cut world demand for asbestos. Exports of sugar and forestry products are the main earners of hard currency. Surrounded by South Africa, except for a short border with Mozambique, Swaziland is heavily dependent on South Africa, from which it receives 90% of its imports and to which it sends about one-third of its exports. GNP: $539 million, per capita $750; real growth rate 5.7% (1989 est.) Inflation rate (consumer prices): 17% (1989 est.) Unemployment rate: NA% Budget: revenues $255 million; expenditures $253 million, including capital expenditures of $NA million (FY91 est.) Exports: $394 million (f.o.b., 1988); commodities--sugar, asbestos, wood pulp, citrus, canned fruit, soft drink concentrates; partners--South Africa, UK, US Imports: $386 million (f.o.b., 1988); commodities--motor vehicles, machinery, transport equipment, chemicals, petroleum products, foodstuffs; partners--South Africa, US, UK External debt: $275 million (December 1987) Industrial production: growth rate 24% (1986) Electricity: 50,000 kW capacity; 130 million kWh produced, 170 kWh per capita (1989) Industries: mining (coal and asbestos), wood pulp, sugar Agriculture: accounts for 25% of GDP and over 60% of labor force; mostly subsistence agriculture; cash crops--sugarcane, citrus fruit, cotton, pineapples; other crops and livestock--corn, sorghum, peanuts, cattle, goats, sheep; not self-sufficient in grain Aid: US commitments, including Ex-Im (FY70-88), $132 million; Western (non-US) countries, ODA and OOF bilateral commitments (1970-87), $468 million Currency: lilangeni (plural--emalangeni); 1 lilangeni (E) = 100 cents Exchange rates: emalangeni (E) per US$1--2.5555 (January 1990), 2.6166 (1989), 2.2611 (1988), 2.0350 (1987), 2.2685 (1986), 2.1911 (1985); note--the Swazi emalangeni is at par with the South African rand Fiscal year: 1 April-31 March - Communications Railroads: 297 km plus 71 km disused, 1.067-meter gauge, single track Highways: 2,853 km total; 510 km paved, 1,230 km crushed stone, gravel, or stabilized soil, and 1,113 km improved earth Civil air: 1 major transport aircraft Airports: 23 total, 22 usable; 1 with permanent-surfaced runways; none with runways over 3,659 m; 1 with runways 2,440-3,659 m; none with runways 1,220-2,439 m Telecommunications: system consists of carrier-equipped open-wire lines and low-capacity radio relay links; 15,400 telephones; stations--6 AM, 6 FM, 10 TV; 1 Atlantic Ocean INTELSAT earth station - Defense Forces Branches: Umbutfo Swaziland Defense Force, Royal Swaziland Police Force Military manpower: males 15-49, 166,537; 96,239 fit for military service Defense expenditures: NA