Country: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (dependent territory of the UK) - Geography Total area: 4,066 km2; land area: 4,066 km2; includes Shag and Clerke Rocks Comparative area: slightly larger than Rhode Island Land boundaries: none Coastline: undetermined Maritime claims: Continental shelf: 200 meters or to depth of exploitation; Exclusive fishing zone: 200 nm; Territorial sea: 12 nm Disputes: administered by the UK, claimed by Argentina Climate: variable, with mostly westerly winds throughout the year, interspersed with periods of calm; nearly all precipitation falls as snow Terrain: most of the islands, rising steeply from the sea, are rugged and mountainous; South Georgia is largely barren and has steep, glacier-covered mountains; the South Sandwich Islands are of volcanic origin with some active volcanoes Natural resources: fish Land use: 0% arable land; 0% permanent crops; 0% meadows and pastures; 0% forest and woodland; 100% other; largely covered by permanent ice and snow with some sparse vegetation consisting of grass, moss, and lichen Environment: reindeer, introduced early in this century, live on South Georgia; weather conditions generally make it difficult to approach the South Sandwich Islands; the South Sandwich Islands are subject to active volcanism Note: the north coast of South Georgia has several large bays, which provide good anchorage - People Population: no permanent population; there is a small military garrison on South Georgia and the British Antarctic Survey has a biological station on Bird Island; the South Sandwich islands are uninhabited - Government Long-form name: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (no short-form name) Type: dependent territory of the UK Capital: Grytviken Harbour on South Georgia is the chief town Administrative divisions: none (dependent territory of the UK) Independence: none (dependent territory of the UK) Constitution: 3 October 1985 Legal system: English common law National holiday: Liberation Day, 14 June (1982) Executive branch: British monarch, commissioner Legislative branch: none Judicial branch: none Leaders: Chief of State--Queen ELIZABETH II (since 6 February 1952), represented by Commissioner William Hugh FULLERTON (since 1988; resident at Stanley, Falkland Islands) - Economy Overview: Some fishing takes place in adjacent waters. There is a potential source of income from harvesting fin fish and krill. The islands receive income from postage stamps produced in the UK. Budget: revenues $291,777; expenditures $451,011, including capital expenditures of $NA (FY88 est.) Electricity: 900 kW capacity; 2 million kWh produced, NA kWh per capita (1989) - Communications Highways: NA Ports: Grytviken Harbour on South Georgia Airports: none Telecommunications: coastal radio station at Grytviken; no broadcast stations - Defense Forces Note: defense is the responsibility of the UK