Country: Liberia - Geography Total area: 111,370 km2; land area: 96,320 km2 Comparative area: slightly larger than Tennessee Land boundaries: 1,585 km total; Guinea 563 km, Ivory Coast 716 km, Sierra Leone 306 km Coastline: 579 km Maritime claims: Continental shelf: 200 meters or to depth of exploitation; Territorial sea: 200 nm Climate: tropical; hot, humid; dry winters with hot days and cool to cold nights; wet, cloudy summers with frequent heavy showers Terrain: mostly flat to rolling coastal plains rising to rolling plateau and low mountains in northeast Natural resources: iron ore, timber, diamonds, gold Land use: 1% arable land; 3% permanent crops; 2% meadows and pastures; 39% forest and woodland; 55% other; includes NEGL% irrigated Environment: West Africa's largest tropical rain forest, subject to deforestation - People Population: 2,639,809 (July 1990), growth rate 3.4% (1990) Birth rate: 45 births/1,000 population (1990) Death rate: 14 deaths/1,000 population (1990) Net migration rate: 2 migrants/1,000 population (1990) Infant mortality rate: 126 deaths/1,000 live births (1990) Life expectancy at birth: 54 years male, 58 years female (1990) Total fertility rate: 6.6 children born/woman (1990) Nationality: noun--Liberian(s); adjective--Liberian Ethnic divisions: 95% indigenous African tribes, including Kpelle, Bassa, Gio, Kru, Grebo, Mano, Krahn, Gola, Gbandi, Loma, Kissi, Vai, and Bella; 5% descendants of repatriated slaves known as Americo-Liberians Religion: 70% traditional, 20% Muslim, 10% Christian Language: English (official); more than 20 local languages of the Niger-Congo language group; English used by about 20% Literacy: 35% Labor force: 510,000, including 220,000 in the monetary economy; 70.5% agriculture, 10.8% services, 4.5% industry and commerce, 14.2% other; non-African foreigners hold about 95% of the top-level management and engineering jobs; 52% of population of working age Organized labor: 2% of labor force - Government Long-form name: Republic of Liberia Type: republic Capital: Monrovia Administrative divisions: 13 counties; Bomi, Bong, Grand Bassa, Grand Cape Mount, Grand Jide, Grand Kru, Lofa, Margibi, Maryland, Montserrado, Nimba, Rivercess, Sino Independence: 26 July 1847 Constitution: 6 January 1986 Legal system: dual system of statutory law based on Anglo-American common law for the modern sector and customary law based on unwritten tribal practices for indigenous sector National holiday: Independence Day, 26 July (1847) Executive branch: president, vice president, Cabinet Legislative branch: bicameral National Assembly consists of an upper house or Senate and a lower house or House of Representatives Judicial branch: People's Supreme Court Leaders: Chief of State and Head of Government--President Gen. Dr. Samuel Kanyon DOE (since 12 April 1980); Vice President Harry F. MONIBA (since 6 January 1986) Political parties and leaders: National Democratic Party of Liberia (NDPL), Augustus Caine, chairman; Liberian Action Party (LAP), Emmanuel Koromah, chairman; Unity Party (UP), Carlos Smith, chairman; United People's Party (UPP), Gabriel Baccus Matthews, chairman Suffrage: universal at age 18 Elections: President--last held on 15 October 1985 (next to be held October 1991); results--Samuel Kanyon Doe (NDPL) 50.9%, Jackson Doe (LAP) 26.4%, others 22.7%; Senate--last held on 15 October 1985 (next to be held 15 October 1991); results--percent of vote by party NA; seats--(26 total) NDPL 21, LAP 3, UP 1, LUP 1; House of Representatives--last held on 15 October 1985 (next to be held October 1991); results--percent of vote by party NA; seats--(64 total) NDPL 51, LAP 8, UP 3, LUP 2 Member of: ACP, AfDB, CCC, ECA, ECOWAS, FAO, G-77, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICO, IDA, IFAD, IFC, ILO, IMF, IMO, INTERPOL, IPU, IRC, ITU, Mano River Union, NAM, OAU, UN, UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WMO Diplomatic representation: Ambassador Eugenia A. WORDSWORTH-STEVENSON; Chancery at 5201 16th Street NW, Washington DC 20011; telephone (202) 723-0437 through 0440; there is a Liberian Consulate General in New York; US--Ambassador James K. BISHOP; Embassy at 111 United Nations Drive, Monrovia (mailing address is P. O. Box 98, Monrovia, or APO New York 09155); telephone p231o 222991 through 222994 Flag: 11 equal horizontal stripes of red (top and bottom) alternating with white; there is a white five-pointed star on a blue square in the upper hoist-side corner; the design was based on the US flag - Economy Overview: In 1988 and 1989 the Liberian economy posted its best two years in a decade, thanks to a resurgence of the rubber industry and rapid growth in exports of forest products. Richly endowed with water, mineral resources, forests, and a climate favorable to agriculture, Liberia is a producer and exporter of basic products. Local manufacturing, mainly foreign owned, is small in scope. Liberia imports primarily machinery and parts, transportation equipment, petroleum products, and foodstuffs. Persistent budget deficits, the flight of capital, and deterioration of transport and other infrastructure continue to hold back economic progress. GDP: $988 million, per capita $395; real growth rate 1.5% (1988) Inflation rate (consumer prices): 12% (1989) Unemployment rate: 43% urban (1988) Budget: revenues $242.1 million; expenditures $435.4 million, including capital expenditures of $29.5 million (1989) Exports: $550 million (f.o.b., 1989); commodities--iron ore 61%, rubber 20%, timber 11%, coffee; partners--US, EC, Netherlands Imports: $335 million (c.i.f., 1989); commodities--rice, mineral fuels, chemicals, machinery, transportation equipment, other foodstuffs; partners--US, EC, Japan, China, Netherlands, ECOWAS External debt: $1.7 billion (December 1989 est.) Industrial production: growth rate 1.5% in manufacturing (1987) Electricity: 400,000 kW capacity; 730 million kWh produced, 290 kWh per capita (1989) Industries: rubber processing, food processing, construction materials, furniture, palm oil processing, mining (iron ore, diamonds) Agriculture: accounts for about 40% of GDP (including fishing and forestry); principal products--rubber, timber, coffee, cocoa, rice, cassava, palm oil, sugarcane, bananas, sheep, and goats; not self-sufficient in food, imports 25% of rice consumption Aid: US commitments, including Ex-Im (FY70-88), $634 million; Western (non-US) countries, ODA and OOF bilateral commitments (1970-87), $793 million; OPEC bilateral aid (1979-89), $25 million; Communist countries (1970-88), $77 million Currency: Liberian dollar (plural--dollars); 1 Liberian dollar (L$) = 100 cents Exchange rates: Liberian dollars (L$) per US$1--1.00 (fixed rate since 1940); unofficial parallel exchange rate of L$2.5 = US$1, January 1989 Fiscal year: calendar year - Communications Railroads: 480 km total; 328 km 1.435-meter standard gauge, 152 km 1.067-meter narrow gauge; all lines single track; rail systems owned and operated by foreign steel and financial interests in conjunction with Liberian Government Highways: 10,087 km total; 603 km bituminous treated, 2,848 km all weather, 4,313 km dry weather; there are also 2,323 km of private, laterite-surfaced roads open to public use, owned by rubber and timber companies Ports: Monrovia, Buchanan, Greenville, Harper (or Cape Palmas) Merchant marine: 1,379 ships (1,000 GRT or over) totaling 48,655,666 DWT/ 90,005,898 DWT; includes 11 passenger, 148 cargo, 26 refrigerated cargo, 18 roll-on/roll-off cargo, 42 vehicle carrier, 42 container, 4 barge carrier, 436 petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POL) tanker, 100 chemical, 63 combination ore/oil, 41 liquefied gas, 6 specialized tanker, 413 bulk, 2 multifunction large-load carrier, 26 combination bulk; note--a flag of convenience registry; all ships are foreign owned; the top four owning flags are US 17%, Hong Kong 13%, Japan 10%, and Greece 10%; China owns at least 20 ships and Vietnam owns 1 Civil air: 3 major transport aircraft Airports: 76 total, 60 usable; 2 with permanent-surface runways; none with runways over 3,659 m; 1 with runways 2,440-3,659 m; 4 with runways 1,220-2,439 m Telecommunications: telephone and telegraph service via radio relay network; main center is Monrovia; 8,500 telephones; stations--3 AM, 4 FM, 5 TV; 2 Atlantic Ocean INTELSAT earth stations - Defense Forces Branches: Armed Forces of Liberia, Liberia National Coast Guard Military manpower: males 15-49, 627,519; 335,063 fit for military service; no conscription Defense expenditures: 2.4% of GDP (1987)