STRENGTH OF RUSSIAN FEDERAL BORDER-GUARDS IN ARMENIA WILL NOT CHANGE YEREVAN, March 14, 2001 /Form RIA Novosti's Avet Demuryan/ -- Russia does not intend to trim the operative group of the Russian federal border-guards service in Armenia, said colonel-general Konstantin Totsky, director of the Russian federal frontier service, who is paying a working visit to Armenia. At present, there is no question of increasing the strength of the group, either, as there is no need for this, he noted. In his words, "as of today, the strength of the group is optimal - a reduction in it would decrease the reliability of border protection". The Armenian leaders have not yet made claims concerning the reliability of border protection, he noted. Assessing the situation on the Armenian-Turkish border, Totsky stressed that it is under control and all incidents are settled through negotiations. He said that the aim of his trip to Yerevan is meeting the Armenian leaders, hearing a report of the command of the operative group on the situation on the border and discussing plans for 2001 and 2002.