THE YABLOKO FACTION: THE IDEA OF THE VOTE OF NO-CONFIDENCE TO THE GOVERNMENT IS "ABSURD" MOSCOW, March 14. /RIA Novosti correspondent Galina Filippova/. Sergei Ivanenko, who spoke on behalf of the Yabloko faction at the plenary session of the State Duma (the Lower House of the Russian government) on Wednesday, described the consideration of the question of no-confidence vote to the government as farce and called upon the parliamentarians not to take part in it. Sergei Ivanenko said that the arguments advanced by the communists for expressing no-confidence to the government were "absurd." According to him, in this way the bourgeois-turned top of the communist party is trying to accomplish its inner party tasks." At the same time Sergei Ivanenko pointed out that the Yabloko faction "does not agree categorically" with the present course of the Russian government. He said that Yabloko demands that, using additional incomes, the Cabinet of Ministers should urgently transfer the army into a contract basis and make amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure which would provide for the arrest only following the decision of the court. Yabloko also stands for making amendments to the legislation on production sharing agreements in order to stimulate investments, and take measures to protect small and medium business in the country. -O- (kos/ter) 14/03/01 14:15