THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT WILL CONSIDER THE QUESTION OF THE STATE SUPPORT OF THE DOMESTIC AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY KAZAN, March 14. /RIA Novosti correspondent Vladimir Shevchuk/. The government of the Russian Federation on March 22 will consider the question of the state support of the domestic aircraft industry, and the Vneshtorgbank will become the main bank for supporting the leasing of civil aircraft, said Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov to journalists. At the present time he is on a visit to Tatarstan. According to him, "the state is in debt to the aircraft industry" and will take measures "to make it possible for the air companies to come to domestic enterprises and order Russian up-to-date aircraft." Apart from that, the Russian government is conducting active negotiations also with Western companies which, "we hope, will also come to our enterprises," said Klebanov. -O- (kos/ter) 14/03/01 12:53