INDONESIA CONSIDERS PURCHASES OF GIZMOS FROM RUSSIA JAKARTA, March 14, 2001 /From RIA Novosti correspondent Sergei Melnikov/. Suffering from weapon embargo imposed by the United States Indonesia's government currently considers purchases of materiel from Russia, and Poland and Romania as an option. This fact was disclosed by Mohammad Mahfud, defence minister of Indonesia, who appeared before the journalists in Jakarta. The purchases can be carried out on the basis of trade agreements which Indonesia signed with the above countries. According to the minister the three states offer the weapon deal under favourable terms. In addition, the offer includes a wide variety of weapons, fighters and other types of materiel. After Mahfud briefed president Abdurahman Wahid on the matter the latter ordered to coordinate the issue with the finance minister. According to the defence minister, Indonesia is in great need to replenish its war arsenals which have not been upgraded after the U.S. weapon embargo, imposed in 1999. The United State did that move, feared by expansion of terror in East Timor. Tensions were flared up by pro-Indonesian forces after the national referendum had voted for granting independence to that former Indonesian province. Mahfud believes that his country should never depend on weapon exports from any country which views such trade as a lever of political pressure.