MOSCOW AND IRAN AGREE TO COOPERATE IN SETTLING CONFLICT SITUATIONS MOSCOW, March 14, 2001. /From RIA Novosti correspondent/. Moscow and Iran have agreed to cooperate in settling conflict situations, including in Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Middle East and the Persian Gulf. RIA Novosti learned this from Igor Ivanov, head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, after his talks with President of Iran Mohammad Khatami in the Kremlin. The Russian minister evaluated the results of the official part of the President of Iran's state visit to Russia as being "profoundly satisfactory." The Minister said that its main results have been laid down in the declaration signed by the Presidents of Russia and Iran. Igor Ivanov said that a final communique is also expected to be signed, in which would be laid down the two countries' approaches to the further development of their bilateral relations. These relations, pointed out Ivanov, will be built on the basis of the UN Charter and the basic principles of international law. Ivanov said that he and President Khatami had discussed a wide range of bilateral issues, as well as major economic and industrial projects -- aircraft building, the gas and oil branches, as well as power industry. On a whole series of projects, believes Ivanov, the sides have attained "serious progress." We hope, said the minister that they will begin to be realized shortly. The sides also intend to cooperate in the military-technical sphere, as well as in the peaceful uses of atomic power.