SPANISH LAWYERS OF THE RUSSIAN MEDIA BARON SUBMITTED AN APPEAL MADRID, March 14. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Juan Kobo). Spanish lawyers of the Media Most holding head Vladimir Gusinsky appealed against the decision of the national judicial collegium of Spain to change the measure of restraint with respect to Gusinsky. In their appeal the lawyers called in question this ruling and pointed out that over the three months since his arrest in Spain Gusinsky fulfilled all the laws and did not give any cause to be unexpectedly, without any warning, transferred to prison. On Monday, in the day time, Gusinsky who was in his villa in Sotogrande near Gibraltar under the home arrest and policemen's surveillance was placed in the prison of the town of Algesiras on the instruction of the higher judicial administration of Spain and on Tuesday morning transferred to the Soto del Real prison near Madrid. The resolution of the judges who, on March 15 will consider the case of Gusinsky's extradition to Russia, says that changing the measure of restraint applied to Gusinsky is dictated by serious apprehensions that he may escape before the beginning of the trial.