MOSCOW WILL INFORM THE WHITE HOUSE OF THE RESULTS OF IRAN PRESIDENT'S VISIT TO RUSSIA WASHINGTON, March 14. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Arkady Orlov/. Security Council Secretary of Russia Sergei Ivanov who arrived in the US on a working visit, pointed out that he is going to explain to his interlocutors in Washington the position of Russia concerning cooperation with Iran. Ivanov said this to journalists when he just arrived in the US capital and answered questions put in connection with US officials' statements about the White House's concern over the possible deliveries of Russian conventional weapons to Iran. According to the highly-placed Kremlin representative, it is wrong to speak about the "resuming" of military-technical cooperation between Russia and Iran because such cooperation "has never been stopped." As far as the deliveries are concerned, this is not a new decision. Such a decision was made in 1999 or 2000 as a minimum, Ivanov said. He also recalled that he discussed this question in Washington with Clinton's national security adviser Samuel Berger and stressed that he is ready to discuss it with the US president's national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice and US State Secretary Colin Powell. "We will discuss these questions, and I will inform the US officials of the agreements which were reached in the course of the visit of Iranian president Khatami to Moscow," Sergei Ivanov said. He also specified that military-technical cooperation was not discussed during the meeting between Vladimir Putin and Mohammad Khatami.