PROJECT BEING WORKED OUT FOR PRODUCING RUSSIAN MINI-BUSES AND LORRIES IN IRAN NIZHNI NOVGOROD, March 13, 2001. /RIA Novosti correspondent Zhanna Voronova/. The Iran Khodro Diesel concern and the Russian Gorky Motor Plant (GAZ) in Nizhny Novgorod (a city on the Volga) have taken a decision to resume work over the project for assembling GAZel lorries, reported the press service of the GAZ Plant. In 1999, when the implementation of the project started, twenty automatic assembling sets for the GAZel lorries were delivered to the Iranian enterprise. However, some time later, due to technical and financial difficulties, the project was suspended. At the present time a joint working group has been formed which will have to finalise, within a month, the technical details of the project concerning the organisation of motor assembling. The sides are considering the possibility of putting out both GAZel lorries and GAZ-32213 mini-busses at the plant. It is supposed that assembling will be done at the Iranian plant of the Khawar Industrial Group on the outskirts of Teheran which is part of the Iran Khodro Diesel concern. In the course of the first year since the beginning of the project's implementation the Gaz Plant will deliver to the Iranian enterprise 3,000 automatic assembling sets. In three years, it is planned to annually assemble up to 10,000 lorries and mini-buses. -O- (kos/nog) 13/03/01 15:27