GEORGIA STANDS FOR INCLUDING UKRAINE IN SETTLING ABKHAZIAN CRISIS TBILISI, March 12, 2001. /RIA Novosti correspondent Alexander Imedashvili/. Georgian Minister of Foreign Affairs Irakly Menagarishvili intends to take part in the coming session of the UN Security Council which will discuss the problem of settling the Abkhazian crisis. The session is to be convened on the initiative of Ukraine which now presides at the Security Council. Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze said this in an interview with the National Radio. According to Eduard Shevardnadze, the Georgian side has been seeking for several years now the active inclusion of Ukraine into the settlement of the Abkhazian crisis, which would make it possible to give an impetus to the peace process. The Georgian President said that at the meeting in Yalta (a city in the Crimea) between the Georgian and Abkhazian sides on the initiative of the Ukrainian government, scheduled for March 15-16, it is planned to sign a number of important documents. They will be "a step forward" in settling the crisis. According to the preliminary information, Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma may take part in the Yalta meeting, Eduard Shevardnadze said. -O-(kos/nog) 12/03/01 19:15