IRANIAN PRESIDENT SPEAKS ABOUT FOREIGN PRESENCE IN CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CASPIAN REGION MOSCOW, 12 March. /RIA Novosti correspondent Oleg Osipov/. This RIA Novosti correspondent reports that in the course of Russo-Iranian negotiations held in an expanded format in the Kremlin today, President of Iran Mohammad Khatami announced that any foreign presence in central Asia and the Caspian region could upset the balance of peace and stability. According to him, "we do not need any sort of foreign presence" to guarantee peace and stability in the region. In his turn, President of Russia Vladimir Putin said that Russo-Iranian cooperation had become a significant feature in the interests of increased security and stability in both the region and the world. Mr. Putin pointed out that a treaty would be signed today which would set out the basis and principles of cooperation between Iran and Russia and would serve as another step in the development of bilateral relations. The Russian president said that the relationship was developing positively and that contacts in many areas had been intensified following the Millennium Summit in New York. According to Putin, the foreign and economics ministries, along with businesses were actively expanding their ties in many spheres. The President said that Russia was counting on the Iranian's parliament's ratification of an agreement banning dual tariff policies. He expressed his confidence that the Iranian president's visit was give a new, positive impulse to the development of bilateral relations. In this connection, the Iranian president said that the development of bilateral relations with Russia was not aimed at any country or region. Khatami said that "the development of these relations is good for the region in which we live and which is highly sensitive and in need of stability."