THE DETENTION OF MILITANTS IN BAKU IS A RESULT OF THE OPERATION CARRIED OUT JOINTLY WITH INTERIOR MINISTRY OF RUSSIA LONDON, March 12. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Sergei Kudasov/. The detention of Chechen militants Ruslan Akhmadov and Badrudi Murtazayev in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku, resulted from the operation carried out jointly with the Interior Ministry of Russia. This was stated by the President's aide Sergei Yastrzhembsky who is now staying in London and participating in the Tripartite Commission - a non-government organisation uniting prominent politicians and businessmen of the world. According to Yastrzhembsky, the carrying out of the operation was initiated by the Interior Ministry of Russia. The Russian President's aide noted that full mutual understanding with the Azerbaijani side had been reached. "We appreciate this fact, since without such interaction in the Northern Caucasus it is impossible to resolve the problems linked with countering terrorism and separatism", Yastrzhembsky emphasized. He noted that in London they are keenly following the investigation of the case of the abduction and execution of a Briton and a New Zealander by the Chechen militants. For this reason, London may ask for additional materials in connection with the detention of the two ring-leaders of the Chechen militants, Yastrzhembsky said. According to him, the Russian side will urge Great Britain to widen the list of the organisations falling under the effect of the law on terrorism. As is known, up-till now the Chechen terrorist groups have not been included in this list existing in Great Britain.