MOSCOW CALLS TIMELY UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION AGAINST TALIBAN MOSCOW, March 11 /from RIA Novosti's Pyotr Goncharov/ - Russia regards as timely the UN General Assembly's resolution condemning Taliban destruction of pre-Islamic monuments and shrines in Afghanistan, Sergei Ordzhonikidze, Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister, said on Sunday. According to him, the resolution was co-authored by about 90 countries, including Russia. In the view of UN member-countries, Ordzhonikidze noted, "the Taliban movement's barbarous moves will further isolate it from the world community". The resolution expressed deep concern and shock following the promulgation on February 26 of a Taliban edict ordering the destruction of all statues and non-Islamic shrines in Afghanistan. Russia considers that the "adoption by the General Assembly of the resolution came very timely, especially in connection with the current visit to Pakistan by the UN Secretary-General and his unscheduled meeting with Taliban representatives," the Russian diplomat stressed. "We hope that Kofi Annan will be able, basing himself on the General Assembly decision, to exert required pressure on the Taliban leadership so as to bring to an immediate halt the Taliban cavemen's vandalism," Ordzhonikidze said.