DON'T ROCK THE BOAT, SAYS MP TO DOWN-WITH-CABINET CALLS MOSCOW, MARCH 11 (from RIA Novosti's Galina Filippova) - Numerous parliamentary forces are out to vote no confidence in the federal cabinet, with prospects for parliament disbanded and an early election called. "A politically destructive initiative to nip trends toward social and economic stability," says Anatoli Aksakov, Political Council vice-president of the public political movement, People's Deputy, and member of the State Duma, parliament's lower house. "We are not going to waste our time and national money on it," he remarked to newsmen, pointing out that an early poll will cost more than two billion roubles, never earmarked in the year's budget. The sum can be obtained only by cutting other federal expenditures, in particular, hitting social welfare, badly underpaid as it is. People's Deputy MPs do not share an opinion that the present-day Duma is harassing legislative work necessary for Russia's progress. In fact, all essential bills offered by the President last year went through parliament without a hitch thanks to Rights, Lefts and Centrists alike. A political crisis is whipped up to involve the President, the Cabinet and the Duma. Growing public political apathy and discontent with whatever regime will be its only fruit to torpedo the world's trust in Russia as reliable economic partner, and so to bring a shrinkage of overseas investment and another resultant economic depression, warns Mr. Aksakov. Cabinet performance certainly leaves much to be desired, but President Vladimir Putin's political goodwill is enough to improve it, points out the MP. Launched by Communists, the initiative for a cabinet no-confidence vote is unexpectedly backed by the pro-Kremlin Unity parliamentary group, as it looks forward to the Duma disbanded and the nation going to the polls ahead of schedule. The matter will come under debate at a house plenary session of March 14.