IRANIAN PRESIDENT'S VISIT TO MOSCOW AS LANDMARK IN RELATIONS BETWEEN IRAN AND RUSSIA MOSCOW, March 11, RIA Novosti - The forthcoming visit by President of Iran Seyed Mohammad Khatami to Moscow will be a historic event in the relations between Russia and the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Iranian Ambassador to Russia, Mehdi Safari, told a news briefing in Moscow. The ambassador noted that a visit at such a high level will be held for the first time in the past 40 years of the Russo-Iranian relationship. According to him, important documents will be signed in the course of the visit, among them a treaty on principles guiding bilateral relations, a joint statement on the Caspian Sea, and a series of statements on current international and regional issues. The ambassador pointed out that the visit by the Iranian President will be "exclusively political in nature" and that "military technological cooperation will not be raised as a separate topic." The Iranian President will be visiting Moscow March 12 to 15, at the invitation of Russian President Putin.